edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Again, I am drunk with manpower.

"Ask me how do I feel, ask me now that we're cozy and clingy. Well, sir, all I can say if I was a bell I'd be ringing�"

Today, I am once again drunk with manpower, but not as inebriated as last week. I have once again beguiled Mr. Thursday Night, and finally got him to ask me out. (Ok so I know you're thinking, 'Um, why didn't you just ask him if you're so smitten with him?' Well, frankly, I'm an old fashioned girl, and that's why!)

So anyway, I walked in to class 10 minutes fashionably late as usual. I was just going to sit on the back row as to not draw attention to myself (heaven knows I do that a lot anyway). But Thursday and Moe motioned for me to come sit by them. Fine, "Oh excuse me *step* Sorry *bonk* Really, excuse me!" (That was me climbing over a whole row of people and drawing attention to myself). I sat down, Thursday seemed happy to see me. Then it started. He started to be obnoxious, and tease and so on. I was not in the mood for this. He was trying so hard to get my dander up, but not tonight.

"Eden, Eden�" Slowly my hand raised and I just said, "Stop it." And that's where I left it. It's all about Love & Logic. (See I learned about this behavior modification theory this week in school). For every action there is a logical consequence. Thursday was being a booger, and the consequence was that I wasn't going to talk or deal with him. I wouldn't even blink in his general direction.

After class I slipped away through the back door of the church. I wandered into the Hall where the Meet & Greet was being held. I was talking to some other friends, when Thursday came up to me. He was changed, he was penitent, he was nice. He asked, "Eden, I was wondering if, you'd like to go to Gary's party with me Saturday?" Yes, I would, and so that's what we're doing. I'm glad, I really do like Mr. Thursday Night, he is a very smart, funny and nice person, but sometimes I'm just not up for sarcasm and acid wit.

I've never played hard to get, but I think it's working�


Later I was at home taking a shower, minding my own business. And then�La Cucaracha decided to join me! HOLY COW!! I'm not normally squeamish when it comes to bugs and such, but when you're in the shower, hair full of soap, mascara running down your cheeks, you just don't want to be bothered with squashing a bug. I'm am in no way brave enough to squash a bug with my bare hands, so I was frantically searching for something, anything big and blunt. I found a can of shaving cream, but the bug was gone. Then it was back. I had to choke back the blood-curdling scream welling up inside of my throat. I was hitting the shower curtain, in hopes that the cockroach would fall on the floor, thus making it easier to kill. It didn't. It just vanished. Now, I live in mortal fear that somewhere in my bathroom is a cockroach the size of Cleveland waiting to pop out at me the next time I'm waxing my legs or something.


Have you all checked out Lisa's new layout yet? It's nice and lemony. Also, Sa's new page is up for your viewing delights as well. I think Sa should do a best and worst dressed list, all of her coworkers could go on the worst dressed list or Jerry Springer or something. Anyone else want validation? Tell me and I'll (in your best 'Hans und Franz' voice) *clap* "PUMP YOU UP!"


This is all for this week, have fun�Eden.

9:24 p.m. - October 26, 2001


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