edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Get me off this sinking ship!

"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes and they're the first to be rescued off of sinking ships." ~~Gilda Radner

Today, the clothes are cute, I want to cry, and will someone get me off this sinking ship called my life? Ah yes, the life of a woman. Things are happening too fast. I'm not even going to go into detail here, because, where do I start? Just suffice it to say, I'm playing the adult today, I'm matriarch for a day, it's a job I'd rather not have�

This Weekend was interesting to say the least. Saturday, was the funeral for my Uncle. It was a beautiful service, one of the nicest I've ever been too (and I've been to too many funerals in my 28 years). My sister and I sang, it was good, up to the end. M-1 lost her composure, and I followed suit. We weren't overcome with feelings of sadness, but rather feelings of reality and of the message of the hymn we were singing. They were more tears of comfort and of joy, than of sadness. Poor mom, back at the piano, she had no idea what was happening. She asked, "Hey what happened to you guys?" I don't know mom, uncontrolled flow of tears�blabber blabber blabber.

Item 2: THE ARIZONA DIMONDBACKS take the World Series 2-0 against the New York Yankees!!! If you follow baseball, or even if you don't, you must know that there was some good ball played this weekend. Let me tell you, Phoenix is awash in excitement! It bugs me though that the commentators on the FOX network cannot say anything about the D-backs without minimizing it. Just admit it, David beat Goliath twice and it's "ok"!! Now, I'm not going to toot this horn for much longer, because, the D-backs have to play at least 2 games in NYC and that'll be HARD! But they're a good team, and it won't kill the commentators on FOX to admit it--sorry guys NYC is not the center of the universe! And I sure got a good laugh every time they showed Joe Torey's angry face.

Item 3: The date with Mr. Thursday Night, was good. We went to a rather loud Halloween party. We mostly sat on a couch and talked. It was kinda funny to guess what everyone was dressed up as. There was Thor God of Thunder, complete with a faux fur cape, ripped six-pack plastic chest and blonde braids, many princesses, a nun, assorted goblins, ghouls and such, cowboys, and army commandos. Lifeblood was even there dressed as Princess Leah! My two favorite however, were the guy that came as an anthrax envelope addressed to Osama bin Laden from Pres. Bush, very creative. The other one was a guy draped in an Afghan blanket, you know the kind your grandma used to knit, with little toy soldiers attached to it. It took me a while to figure it out, but then I understood. The little soldiers were supposed to be American Special Forces invading. I thought it was darn imaginative. We didn�t know it was a dress up party, so Thursday kept telling people we were a married couple having an argument.

So anyway, back to the date. It was nothing out of this world, but it was nice to spend some time together, even if we had to yell like we were some sort of old people without their Miracle Ears. He was very nice, he opened the car door for me, didn't tease me too much :) and was very much the gentleman. So, I hope that he doesn't take his sweet time in asking me out again. I think however, I'm going to take the ball and run with it and see if I can speed him along. hmmm�sorry I'm such the hormonal teenager sometimes�

Ok and I washed one of my new contact lenses down the drain yesterday�I'm so proud of myself. Apparently my contacts are special made (because I'm so darn special), so if I want to order a new one it will take 2 weeks to come in grrr�I have the old one in, but it's just not the same. We are not amused!

I'm done, I'm going to sit here and sing showtunes the rest of the day, maybe that will make it better.

9:41 a.m. - October 29, 2001


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