edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


The trouble with Men

Lets just face it, men are screwing this world over. Don't get me wrong, I like men--some of my best friends are men. And you all know of my on going feelings for B., and my dangerous flirtations with Mr. Thursday Night. My dad and brothers are all men, and they are great guys, I love them very much. However, if you look at the current world situation, men are at the root of it all. Let's take a look�

Spetember 11th, all hell broke loose, why, because Osama bin Laden is at odds with the government of his country (a country run by men). He's a spoiled rich kid, with too much time and money. He is mad that Americans are in his country--boo hoo someone is playing with your toys! He doesn't like the fact that Uncle Sam is in his back yard. So instead of "peacefully" talking out his problems with King Saud, the United Nations, the ICJ, the ACLU or the DNC, he lobs a few jet planes into buildings full of innocent people. But why are the "infidels" in Saudi Arabia in the first place? Let's look again�

Remember 11 years ago, August 1, 1990? I'm sure you were all just minding your business having a lovely summer vacation when Uncle Saddam got greedy and decided he needed Kuwait(see, again it's the fault of a man). Of course this upset the balance of power, oil and cosmic forces, so the Yanks responded (at the invitation of the Kuwaitis and the Saudis). We've stayed because it's in all of our best interests to have a calm Middle East and an uninterrupted flow of fossil fuels.

Let's turn to Afghanistan. Again men are the problem. When Osama figured out that he'd been a bad boy, he ran and hid. His good buddies over at Taliban Central welcomed him with open arms. But this is not where Afghanistan's troubles started. Twenty years of civil war at the hands of men who could not get along gave the Taliban power.

Further investigation of the Taliban reveals the oppression of a nation, and most severely women, at the hands of men. We've all seen Afghani women shrouded in the burqua, and we all know that Afghani women are denied education, medical care and basic human rights. What, then, is the result? An uneducated, sick population with no means of supporting itself. These conditions lead to despair, which in turn leads to desperate acts, acts of terrorism.

If women were running the show, the fighting would have stopped along time ago. The children would be in school, the farmers would be planting, commerce would be commencing and life would be moving along nicely.

So, my suggestion to all of the boys that can't play nicely is, PLAY NICE! Quit being greedy, quit being upset when you don't get your way. You might find that people are willing to help you. I know your wives, mothers and daughters would appreicate it.

1:41 a.m. - October 25, 2001


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