edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Reflections on Health

When you don't feel good, you certianly appreicate your health lots more. I think this is God's way of humbling me.

I learned something valuable last night in a religious class I attend. We can be sick in both body and soul. I think right now I am suffering in both areas. I mean I have this migrane headache that will not go away, and I am plauged by a sorrow in my soul that has hung over me for quite sometime now.

The solution is this, I'll go to the doctor once again to heal my physical pains. Despite my fears that he might tell me I have MS or something worse. In a few days, I hope I'll feel physically better. For the things that trouble my heart and soul, I need to turn to God. But do I really trust him? Do I truly belive in the innermost parts of my heart that he will heal me? The scriptures say so, the clergy say so, Mother and Father say so, and that still small voice in my heart says so.

I learned that people care, they pray for me, even though they do not know me. This is a comfort. What is more of a comfort though, is that the people that love me the most pray for me and care that I am well. Sometimes in my quest to be a grown-up, or in my search for myself, I forget this. I get cauught up in the trivial things of the world. I think that the people in heaven care too. This is of most comfort. To know that people like Pearl and Vida care still. I really belive this, and I think that this might give me the strength to belive that my broken heart and weary soul will mend.

9:40 a.m. - 2001-07-20


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