edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Take one of these and call me in the morning

So, I'm feeling better today. I went to the Doctor and ended up waiting for 30 mins before he came in. I was beginning to think that they'd forgotten me. Just before I started singing "Nobody knows the trouble I've seen" the doctor came. It was Dr. Lewis, the young one. Oh~~he looked very cute, but things being how they were and my left eye getting ready to explode out of my head at any minute, I skipped the small talk.

I went to the Alberton's in my neighborhood to get my scripts filled, and had a nice conversation with Todd the Pharmacist. He started telling me that all the meds I'm on are going to react badly together. But your forgiven, because you made me forget for 5 minutes that I was sick, and I really think that you really cared about the conversation that you were having with me.

I came home and proceeded to take the 40,000 pills that had been perscribed to me and drifted off into another dimention, only to wake to the musical stylings of my 2.5 yr old neice and her new Barbie doll. They were singing me a "get better song". I think it worked, because for the first time in a week I was able to eat something other than chicken-soup. Don't get me wrong, I like chicken-noodle, but not for a week solid. Cheese sandwiches are much tastier.

Mel, my neice was so concerned about me that she had her Mom call me this morning so that she could talk to me. She told me all about Buster, her new doggie. But between the sentences about Buster, she asked "You, better yet?" Ah, I think that the good vibes of a child made me feel better than any pill I've had to take over the course of the last 48 hours.

Thanks modern medicine, Dr. Lewis, Todd the Pharmicist but, mostly thanks Mel and Buster, I really do feel better!

12:03 p.m. - 2001-07-21


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