edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


What you can find under a bed is quite amusing

In all that I have going on this week, I found a quiet moment in which to update all 3.5 of my devoted Diaryland fans...

School, which I will now spell as: Sch-COOL; Ended on a semi-up note. Most of my children were happy with the grades they earned, some were not, but that�s the breaks. Next quarter try turning in your homework on a semi-regular basis. It works wonders! Try it, you�ll like it! It�s a 100% all natural high.

Snot-girl was suspended for a day for mouthing off to me. Apparently what she did is considered a class 3 felony in the state of Arizona. I don�t think what she did was worth pressing charges, but it�s nice to know I have some swing. Instead she got to languish in the suspension room for a day. Hopefully that will put her in her place.

One of my sweeter freshmen girls came to me very timidly on Friday after class to turn in some cheaters. I thanked her and sent her on her way. Later that afternoon at lunch I found the two cheaters and confronted them. Of course they lied about cheating, but the �deer in the headlights� look gave them away. I told them, they wouldn�t breathe with out me knowing it next quarter. I think I scared them � I hope I did. I didn�t give them zeros, they are failing anyway, but here�s a clue for next time: if you�re going to cheat, it�s best to find some one other than your fellow blockheads to cheat off of.

So today I began the arduous task of packing. About an hour into it I realized that I should have started days earlier. I have a lot, and I mean a whole BOAT LOAD of stuff. With my glamorous and busy life I didn�t go through any of it. I just threw it into boxes. I think moving from state to state is better than just across town. Last time I moved it was from state to state, and I really pared down what I had to the bare minimum. It had to all fit into a mini-van. I had no choice. This time I keep telling myself, foolishly of course, that it�s just across town, don�t worry about it.

Now I am sitting in my room at my parent�s house, with my desk, my mattress on the trundle bed frame and the last few odds and ends. The bathroom is another thing. All of my clothes that I need for the next day and for my trip all got thrown in the bathtub � yes the bathtub, it�s out of the way. I need to go find a place for them so I can take bath tonight. Let�s face it, I stink right now. All deodorants, perfumes, creams and scents that I put on today totally failed. I stink.

What did I find under the bed? Oh lots of nice things. My flip-flop, which I�m so happy about, it was part of the best pair of 99 cent flip-flops ever! I found an un-graded paper that I had gone back and forth with a student on. I let him make it up, but still, I�m laughing. I also found my other American flag sock, so once again, I can be on my highest state of alert, and fight terrorism through fashion! Just doing my part, is all! I also found a letter that I had started to a friend one year ago today � how weird is that? Of course there were also assorted pens, pencils, paperclips and dust bunnies.

Tomorrow, I go out to my new house and unpack it all, then pack me up to go to see my sister. I can�t believe I�ll be there in two sleeps and five minutes (this is according to the 2 year old). I�ll be lunching in New York on Friday...how cosmopolitan is that? Very, I�m changing my name to Buffy.

Well, until I get back, all 3.5 of you, my devoted Diaryland fans....take it easy.

Eden has left the building!

9:45 p.m. - October 07, 2002


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