edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Cilff and his notes...

John this entry is dedicated to you, because you missed me soooo much! hahahahaaaaa! All you really wanted was a post card!

I went, I saw, I survived....and all of my luggage came home too.

Here is the Cliff Note's version....more to follow when I am not under the evil influences of a 3 hour time change....

Naps, lots of naps
Barbie dreams and the baby that was a gourd
Into the Woods, and home before dark!
The goober-peas go to Times Square or Bad Umbrella Ettiquite
My favorite NYC souvenier, or adventures in BBQ sauce
The Great Pumpkin Charie Brown!
Apple Picking Time
A Nor'easter
Trading Spaces
Emril vs. Martha smack down next on the Food Network!
Law & Order re-runs till I was blue in the face...and oh so much more....

Right now my fingers are going on strike...we are tired, oh so tired.

11:53 p.m. - October 16, 2002


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