edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


10 reasons why today was good

Today was good because....

1. It was only 83 degrees.

2. I am well into my grading and I have the final grades for 2 classes done already.

3. The test for my freshmen was written and copied all before 3:30 today.

4. The cotton is turning brown.

5. I looked exceptional today, so much so that I am wearing my favorite five flavor life-saver sweater to school tomorrow. I will always look exceptional. Mighty vain of me, I might say!

6. The sunset was exceptionally beautiful tonight.

7. I spent some good time with my new roommate today, and we are going to get along famously.

8. I didn�t have the overwhelming urge to cry.

9. We played a great review game in freshmen history today. We all had fun and they learned something in the process.

10. I got to speak Bulgarian tonight with a real Bulgarian, for a long time. It was amazing.

8:48 p.m. - October 02, 2002


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