edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


A Room With A View

He carried her to the window, so that she, too, saw all the view. They sank upon their knees, invisible from the road, they hoped, and began to whisper one another�s names. Ah! It was worth while; it was the great joy that they had expected, and countless little joys of which they had never dreamt. They were silent.

I watched A Room With A View, my favorite movie twice this weekend. I love that movie, I love the book. Every time I see it, or read it I want to go to Italy. One day I�ll get there.

I found it quite ironic, as many times as I�ve seen this movie, and as many times as I�ve read the book, I never really realized the intense feelings that Lucy had for George, even from the beginning. She loved him, and yet she fought it, thinking that was what she was supposed to do.

Lucy never loved Cecil. But she does not realize this until the end of the story, after she�s lied to everyone about her feelings, hurt George and almost marries Cecil. Every time she tries to express her love to Cecil she thinks of George, she loves George.

My favorite scene in the movie is when they all go out to the country for a picnic. Lucy grows tired of Charlotte and goes off to try and find Mr. Beeb, the vicar. She does not find him, but instead finds George Emerson, on a hillside of barley, dotted with poppies.

In the background, Tekanawa sings from La Boheme by Puccini.

George sees Lucy and comes to her. He sweeps her up in his embrace and kisses her with all of the passion and feeling he has within him. It�s this kiss, this moment that Lucy and George have together that shapes their lives and brings them together in the end.

I don�t know why I�m going on about this, other than to say that it was nice to see a movie this weekend, even if all I did was pop into the VCR at midnight on Friday night. I guess too, I hope one day to love someone, and to feel for someone as much as George did for Lucy.

�Youth enwrapped them; the song of Phaethon announced passion requited, love attained. But they were conscious of a love more mysterious than this. The song died away; they herd the river, bearing down the snows of winter into the Mediterranean.� E.M Forester A Room With a View ~~ 1908

10:29 p.m. - September 22, 2002


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