edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


I dream of Jenne powers, and the zero comes to call

There were rooms of forgiveness in the house we share, but the space had been emptied of whatever was there. The crossroads of patience there were shelf loads of care, but whoever came calling found nobody there

I think my seniors are loosing it already. Really. It�s bad. We began peer teaching in Economics today. My trio of rednecks, Bud, Bubba, and their friend Preston decided instead of actually teaching their section that they would �assign it out� and have the rest of the class teach it to each other.

Doesn�t quite work that way guys. You were supposed to teach us. Guess what, here come the zeros a rollin� your way....

According to Bud, the whole concept of peer teaching is just me pawning my work off on them. Realistically, it might appear to be that way. But it�s not. It�s an exercise in preparing a lesson with objectives, analyzing graphs and theory, public speaking, and teamwork. Yes, I�ll admit, it�s nice that I have one less thing to prepare for this week, but I�m still prepared to teach the sections if need be. Stupid potato heads.

Today I was reminded how fun it is to be in high school. It�s spirit week this week at the Country Bumpkin High School. We are having activities at lunch time, dress up days (tomorrow is nerd day, I�m coming as my normal self), and a local radio station is coming to broadcast on Friday at lunch. I walked out into the courtyard today and saw kids congregating, heard music blasting, children laughing, talking and having fun. Despite their idiosyncrasies and stupidity, they are good kids.

My move is 2 weeks away. As the days fly by I look at all the things I have to do, and I�m becoming overwhelmed by the task ahead of me. I am a super-packrat. SUPER, meaning BIG! Yzhac!

It�s times like these that I wish I had �I dream of Jeanne� powers.

I�m going as far away from here, away from you Jake and the hole you sunk me into. I wish that I could belong here with you, and just be, but that�s not all that I�m about...

9:33 p.m. - September 23, 2002


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