edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Crickets in the dark...moving on...and east

We left on a dare in the middle of the night, we drove out into the stormy moonlight, in a rental car with unlimited miles, and we both knew that first you wish, and then you dream, and then you turn the ignition and you�re on your way. We made our way through the stormy moonlight and we went a half a mile past the boundaries of �just friends�. It all went in just a blur, and through it all you can with and you can dream, but just keep floorin� the pedal�I�m on my way��

Here I am, a rare middle of the school day entry. The kids are working on their mock interviews, and I am tired.

Yesterday was a marathon day. I arrived at school around 6:30 am and made preparations for our September 11th activities. I left school at 8:00 pm, after parent teacher conferences.

Everything went well; I wasn�t as emotional as I thought I was going to be. Our students put together a really nice program. We ended it by forming a huge red, white and blue 9 � 11 in the courtyard.

I was glad to be a part of the ceremony, but I was glad when the day was over. Seeing the planes crash into the Trade Towers over and over still makes me emotional.


I am moving on, flooring the pedal as it were.

I have found a new place to live that is close to work, with a nice roommate, washer dryer, in a nice neighborhood, and has a yard.

I went and met Denise yesterday. Meeting her was only a formality though. I�d already decided that I was going to move there before I saw the place. I just can�t go on much longer the way I have been. I need more sleep, and driving as far as I do, is not affording me that sleep.

It will be a nice arrangement. I�ve wanted to move for a while now, but with the recent events, I have felt an overwhelming desire to start new. Denise knows lots of people; I think it will be good to broaden my social circle a bit. New people, new ideas, new experiences.


Last night, after 8, when I finally was walking out to my car, I heard crickets. Loud crickets. Their sounds are just not that pronounced in the city. It was beautiful.

I got in my car and headed home. It�s dark out in the country. The headlights of my car were the only thing piercing the darkness. I turned off the radio and just looked out at the darkness, thinking about what is next for me. I think that I am going to be in a good place soon.

We should take a ride tonight around the town and look around at all the beautiful houses. Something in the way the blue lights on a black night can make you feel more. Everybody, it seems to me, just wants to be like you and me.

1:46 p.m. - September 12, 2002


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