edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Memories of Munich....and Mercury falling

Alone with my thoughts this evening, I walked on the banks of Tyne. The wind was so insistent, with tales of a stormy south I spied two birds in a sycamore tree...for then with out rhyme or reason the two birds did rise up to fly, and I swear I though I saw you and I.....

I went to dinner tonight with my parents. It was my mom�s birthday. I sat in the back seat of the car and observed out the window as we drove to the German Restaurant.

Main Street has certainly seen better days. I remember when Main Street was where it was at in our town. Main Street is where you would go to shop, and see people and things. Seeing boarded up buildings made me wish for simpler times. For those �back then� times.


Sitting in the restaurant brought back memories for me tonight. Memories of Germany, and Europe; memories of sitting in smokey dimly lit booths listening to folk music and drifting conversations, eating slowly and taking time to soak up life.

I think that is one thing that the Europeans have done right. The art of dinner. Because this restaurant is run by Germans, it was like being in Germany. We waited a long time for our bill to come. It gave dad time to enjoy his rotkohl. Mom and dad talked, I drifted...

I was very quiet tonight; I think I�m still overly tired from everything; my thoughts are still very full. My mind drifted to Munich. I love Munich.

I thought of the neighborhood right outside of the Museum of Modern art. All of the buildings are neo-classical and over grown with vines and trees. There is also a walking path and park with benches and statues.

One day in particular stands out in my mind. I was going in the museum and it had been raining. By the time I�d gotten off of the metro, the rain had stopped. As I emerged from out of the underground the sun shown though the trees and through the drops of water still on the leaves of the trees.

I could hear the busy sound of cars speeding by, but that all seemed to disappear for a few minutes, while I just looked and the remnants of a summer rain storm.

I also remember the smell of that day and that particular moment. It was a fresh smell, like the air was given a second chance. Even though I was in the middle of the city, the city seemed so far away.


Fill my eyes O Lithium sunset and take this lonesome burden of worry from my mind. Take this heart ache of obsidian darkness and fold my darkness into your yellow light. Heal my soul O Lithium sunset, and I�ll ride the turning world into another night....I see Mercury falling.

10:15 p.m. - September 09, 2002


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