edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


I swear I am NOT flipping you off!

Can I be anymore tired today?

I swear I was the human zombie in my in-service meetings this morning. It only improved when I went to my room and began to work.

I had to haul a load of stuff in from my car today too. I snagged a cart and wheeled it out to my car. It was only after I was standing at the trunk that I realized I�d forgotten my keys.

And for my encore performance, I stapled my finger as a group of kids was touring the new Country-Bumpkin High School.

Eden says: �Thank you, thank you, I�ll be signing yearbooks at the end of the year.�

Hi, it�s Monday times a trillion in my life today. Do you have a cookie for me? A cookie will make it all better. Oh and can you pull the staple out of my finger too? I swear it�s there and I�m *not* flipping you off, who do you think I am, Britney Spears or something?


Papers, papers and more papers. The reason the forests are being depleted is that I have at least 42 reams worth of paper in handouts on my desk. I stopped listening when I got hungry.


My desk, I love my desk. Over the weekend I was able to find a nice globe at a very reasonable price. I paid 35 cents for it. Alright, that�s not entirely true. I had a gift certificate and the price of the globe was 35 cents more than the gift certificate. It was the best 35 cents I�ve ever spent.

But back to my original point, see Mr. Levski, you are not the only blonde in the room.

My desk is nice and big, has lots of drawers, and a nice collection of photographs on it. Which is my favorite? The one of Mr. Levski and myself in a grove of trees. It�s very nice. Mr. Levski remarked that by putting this up, I was opening up my life as fish bate for my students.

I know, I know, but you know what? I don�t care. He makes me happy, it�s the happiest I�ve ever been in my life, my kids need to know why their teacher is a filibbertyjibbet.


But in a strange twist of irony, when glancing at the ever perky page of Ms. Sa-Land I found the following quiz:

Apparently I don�t need a boyfriend. Who knew, not me I guess. But I guess the writers of this quiz don't know the "before" Eden as opposed to the "after" Eden. After is much preferred, by all.


This is all for today, as I have run out of things to say, have no more imagination to make up lies, and have more than I want to think about doing to do still.

Thank you, thank you, Eden has left the building.

8:03 p.m. - July 29, 2002


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