edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


An American Child

Metaphorically speaking, today I walked all over Disneyland.

I�ll spare the details, for they are the trite things that make up my days lately.

This morning as I was talking to one of my myriad of cousins (there are near 50 you know) and another call came in. It was Keith, another one of the cousins calling to tell us that his wife had just given birth to a baby girl.

He sounded so tired, but was still excited. I was put in charge of calling all of the family and getting the word out.

A new baby!

Later on, as I was driving around town a song came on the radio. It was something about an American Child, growing up and having countless opportunities to grow and learn and become. I tell you, it was a very moving song, and it made me think.

It made me think about our family�s new little baby and all of the things that she can do with her life, just for the fact that she was born here in the United States of America.

She doesn�t have to worry about religious police, or being persecuted for speaking her mind. She can grow up and be a nurse, or a truck driver, or a school teacher, or a stock broker if she wants.

She can sit on her front porch at night and talk to her neighbors and not fear that they will report her for violating the laws of some oppressive government.

The birth of this baby also turned my thoughts to my own family. When Great-grandma was alive, she would pen a poem for each child born into the family; she would type these poems out on her stationary and give them to our mothers for safe keeping. I sill have the poems she wrote for me, and about me in a box somewhere.

I wish that I was as creative and bright as her and could write poems about each of our new children. I can�t so I won�t mull over it, but it is a wonderful thing to know that I come from a good family and that I have relatives such as Grandma, from which I can draw strength.

If I can�t write poems, I need to at least write my memories of the people that could, so that our new baby will know that not only does she come from a great country, she comes from great people, who did great things, not because they had to, but because they wanted to and could.

10:17 p.m. - July 16, 2002


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