edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


A food induced coma

Thank you all for leaving nice words of encouragement in my guestbook. Like all of my trials this too will pass.

I�ll be taking off today for the wiles of northern Idaho, for wedding number one. It will be interesting to say the least. There will be 20 people staying in the same house. I volunteered to get a hotel, but was quickly put in my place for that idea. Twenty people in one house? Hmmmm, looks like I�ll be getting up early to get bathroom time.

I had dinner last night with Lifeblood and Yellowducky in honor of Ms. Ducky�s birthday. We ate ourselves into a food induced coma. We will be going back to Caf� Istanbul, but next time I�m wearing a big roomy dress, so that my stomach has room to fill out if necessary!

To keep all of you busy while I�m away, and also to help you be �productive� at work, I�ve added a new page. It�s my quizes page. So pop over there and see how you manage. Feel free also to cruise the past entries to see how far I�ve come!

I�ll bring you all a present! Read you all next week. (and oh what a long week it will be!)

12:15 a.m. - June 05, 2002


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