edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Morning Stillness

I was talking to a good friend to day and I was reminded of something that I love very much.

Once upon a time I when I was a college student, I lived in the state of Utah. Utah is a very beautiful place, if you�ve never been there, I recommend it.

As a student I always had an early morning class or work, and was out of the house by seven every morning. I am not by nature a morning person, but I loved mornings in Utah.

Many times as I would walk along the sidewalk all I could here was the sound of my feet hitting the pavement, birds waking in the trees and the faint sounds of cars.

The winter mornings were by far my favorite mornings. I loved the fact that my footprints were always the first in the snow. There is something magical about snowy mornings to me. Falling snow has a sound that I cannot describe, but yet I love.

It seems like, as well, that the usual morning silence was multiplied by a snowfall. On these mornings all that I could hear would be the crunch of snow under my feet. Eventually I would hear the sound of the bus, see it round the corner, and then stop to pick me up.

As I sat on the bus on those early college mornings, I would reflect, think, sing to myself, and wait. I would wait for the point along the route where I could see the top of Mt. Timp and the sun reflecting pink light on the snowy peaks. Sometimes, if I was lucky the peaks would be shrouded in clouds which would add mystery to this beauty.

I would disembark from the bus and go into work, the morning stillness was soon forgotten, the snow eventually melted, but there was always tomorrow.

10:43 p.m. - May 19, 2002


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