edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


The mistakes I made in pursuit of the all mighty dollar.

I just figured it out, if I want hits on my site, I need to actually update. What a concept.

(Picture the light bulb going on over my head.)

Yesterday I was broad sided by a cold. It�s like a germ frat party in my body right now. Who-a DUDE, it�s MILLER TIME! With that said, I still went a teaching today. That was my first mistake.

I accepted an assignment at a school that I�d been to before, and I swore I�d never go to again, mistake number two. But I justified it by my need to save up some cash for the summer.

It wasn�t even 9:20 am, and I was sweating like a pig, and somewhat dizzy. The kids were zinging off the walls, hurling verbal assaults and making my life hell.

It only got worse: punching, girl fighting, gang banging, potty dancing, whining and all around idiocy were only the start. One of the kids told me I looked frustrated. No way?! Really?!

I even gave my own cousin detention. How mean am I?

I am a glutton for punishment. I return there, albeit for a different teacher, on Monday.


I think God is punishing us here in Arizona. We are having one of the worst droughts on record. In fact the other day, several houses were burned in forest fires and several cities are having to ration water.

We�re being punished for electing the current legislature. What a bunch of goons! Not only are they up to �business as usual�, they are sitting in special session hacking over the contracts for gambling on the reservations. They can�t seem to find the time to figure out how to fund the State Trade School, avoid a tuition raise at the state universities, and finish the freeway through the city in a timely manner.

One of the illustrious senators was quoted as saying: �We�ll debate the issues that I want to debate, until I say we stop, because I am in charge here, and I don�t care what the governor says about it.� Ok, I guess I missed the head line that said God died and left you in charge of things.


I�ve decided to re-read �The Chronicles of Narnia� by CS Lewis again this summer. I�ll have lots of time on my hands when I�m up in Idaho, sans TV, and internet, oh what I am going to do?


The question raised on the NBC Nightly News, with Tom Brokaw: �How much did Pres. Bush really know about threats of terrorism before September 11th? It irritates me that people are accusing him of negligence. I know he is not the most popular kid on the playground, but really give me a break. Do you think the pre-September 11th American public would have stood for 3 hour waits and security checks at the air port? No. We had no reason to be afraid or fear before September 11th. As they say hind sight is 20-20.

It irritates me further to hear Senator Clinton rant on, when little if nothing was done with intelligence information in regards to Al-Queda when her husband was president. Read: countless warnings about threats to the embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Threats against American interests in Yemen, which later turned out to be the bombing of the USS Cole.

If Bush knew, he would have done something. Anyone would have done something.


I need to end this on an up note. My mom just brought me a carton of my new favorite ice cream, Dryers Dreamery �Nuts About Malt�. Chocolate malt flavored ice cream, with chocolate almonds and fudge swirls�yummy! Eat it�hmmmm�ice cream � d�oh!

7:34 p.m. - May 17, 2002


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