edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


I want my empty brain calories, oh and my MTV too.

Quotes of the Day **Brought to you by the 8th Graders at the Junior High Near You.

�I have to tell you truthfully, the 80s scare me.�

�Is Boy George gay?�

�Pet rock? Who would be stupid enough to buy a pet rock?�

�Yes, Boy George is gay!�

�Dude, look, they used the word �Dude� back then?�

�You really liked Michael Jackson?�

�How many nose jobs has Michael Jackson had?�

�Dude, the best 80s band was A-Ha!�

�My grandma grew up in the 50s, but you can�t tell because her face doesn�t have the crinkles yet.�

�CD players used to cost $700??�

�Does this movie have Elvis in it?�

�My dad still uses the word �Groovy.��

�Can I sing the �Gilligan�s Island� theme song?�

I subbed in my old class today and we started the American Culture unit in 8th grade. We watched part of a video on the history of Rock and Roll.

The video contained interviews with prominent and very influential people from Rock and Roll history. One of the most interesting interviews was with Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones.

Here is what he said, we think�

Rock and roll, bemeirllud fo my mother listend in saweirh dfj dfjsdlkf f 1946 adnf s t I listen tidjfdlji asdjfieuhfn md Mick sdfeoj guitar sdfeijfsid you know,droeifjweskdf.

Huh? Ya, kids, his brain is on perm-fry due to the fact that he is on perma-stoned status.

David Lee Roth is a freak. �Rock is like folk music!� (waving hands above his head, talking like a valley girl. Thank you for not being in Van Halen any more.

Bono is beautiful. There he was singing �With or without you,� the light was silhouetting his face through the smoky darkness. Oh, it was a beautiful sight to behold.

Tomorrow I am bringing my high school year books so they can really see how big my hair was in the 1980s. Oh for the days of big hair, acid wash jeans, Pac-Man fever, Hair Bands, MTV, and life as a valley girl.


I was talking to my good friend Mr. Levski the other day on the phone. He asked me what I was doing that particular evening. I told him I was staying home to work on some �stuff�. Then I admitted that I was going to watch the Amazing Race. I went on further to admit that I am really fond of reality TV. It�s bad. I like the Race, and I want to see who Survives. In fact, at this very moment, I am typing this entry for Diaryland as a time filler while I wait for The Bachelor to come on. I tell you it�s a sad thing. I guess we all have to have our guilty pleasures now don�t we? I guess mine are the empty brain calories that these silly shows provide. It�s not too bad I guess, I mean, at least I�ll never end up like Keith Richards.

�oh yea, dfiosdfnsdhf sfndfsj sroch song dhadntrd t tv sdhowefh.�


Here is a tip for better living: DO NOT, under any circumstances listen to Copacabana right before you go to bed. I made this mistake last night. So at 12:43 I was laying in my bed, having thoughts of Lola, the feathers in her hair, Tony at the bar and Rico staring from afar. Music and Passion were always the fashion at Copa, Copacabana�oh I�ve got to stop this, or I�ll be spending another night in the hottest spot north of Havana.

Time for empty brain calories.

8:24 p.m. - April 15, 2002


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