edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


I wish they all could be California girls

Today I played secretary at my uncle�s office. He is a podiatrist.

The following is a conversation I had on the phone:

Eden: Hello, Doctor�s office, how may I help you?

Female Caller: Um, hello. I was in a car accident in California and I have to settle my claim in a year. Anyway, I just got released from the chiropractor and he said that I need to have my feet examined. See and I had a lien at his office. My attorney, Attorney Larson, said that you guys could take a lien too, but I have to get this exam before the time runs out. And I also need you to write a report about my feet, so how much does that cost? But it doesn�t matter anyway, because my attorney, Attorney Larson, said that a lien would take care of it.

Eden: Well, we don�t take liens as a form of payment, and the doctor really doesn�t like to get involved with personal injury claims.

Girl Not Getting It: Well, but I have a lien at the chiropractor�s office, and my attorney, Attorney Larson, said that, that should be ok for payment. Do you want his phone number to call him?

Eden: Fine, I�ll take his number, but like I said before we don�t accept liens as payment for our services.

Ditzy California Girl: But, I have a lien at the chiropractor.

Eden: I�m sorry, but we�re not the chiropractor. Our office is separate from the chiropractor�s office.

Girl Really Not Getting It: Well, can I just set an appointment and then you could call my attorney, Attorney Larson about it.

Eden: Fine, ma�am, I�ll set the appointment, but we still don�t take liens, no matter what the chiropractor says or does or who your attorney is, even if he is the apparently mighty, Attorney Larson.

I just had to laugh at the whole situation. The girl was very stupid, and she actually believed all of the misinformation Attorney Larson has apparently given her about �her rights.� I didn�t have to do anything for her, and yet she expected the world from me, and a lien too.

I know Attorney Larson, and he is just another one of the mindless bloodsucking ambulance chasers that we seem to have an overabundance of in this town.

Just another reason I didn�t become a lawyer.

8:03 p.m. - April 09, 2002


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