edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Tears of Joy

Today at 12:49 I became a teacher. This is the thing that I have been working for, the chase is over, and the prize is won. I am finished.

I just can�t believe it. As I was walking off of campus, this reality hit me, and I started to weep a bit. Not because I was sad to go, but more because I am done. I have become what I wanted to be when I grew up. It�s actually very scary.

I have a career now, not just a job. I think my small tears were also a result of searching and looking for the light at the end of the tunnel and then finally seeing it, reaching for it and then coming out of the tunnel into the light. Tears of Joy.

It�s liberating.

Amy and I went to lunch to compare our notes of the last nine weeks. All I can say is that we had totally different experiences, and truthfully I think mine was better. I was thrown into the water with out my floaties on the first day; Amy sat on the side of the pool while the others played. Thank you Mac for working it that way.

Now, I am off to the East for a few days after which I will be making an appearance north of the Boarder in the lovely Canadian province of Quebec. (snow!) I don�t know if I�ll be updating at all, so my devoted followers, all three of you�oh wait maybe I�m at five, so hang tight, and peruse the archives. Leave me notes in the Guestbook on topics that YOU the readers would like to read!!

Until I get back, from the places that I�m going to, I bid you all farwell, as this chapter of my life had come to a close, I thank you all for bearing with me.

11:35 p.m. - March 08, 2002


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