edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Why is north, north?

Have you ever wondered why North is north? Who decided that the Artic was going to be on the top of the globe and Antarctica would be on the bottom?

What would be the world be like if Africa and South America were in the �Northern Hemisphere?�

In anticipation of my impending trip to the East and to Canada, I have hauled my big winter parka out of the closet. I haven�t worn it for two years, but it�s still nice and warm

On this date in 1770, five American colonists were killed in the Boston Massacre. Crispus Attikus was the first African American killed in the Revolutionary War. The Colonists used this event and the subsequent propaganda to fuel the revolutionary citizens of Boston.

And that was today, in the life of Eden.

9:53 p.m. - March 05, 2002


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