edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Welcome back, welcome back

I would like to welcome back to the family, the Yellow Flower! Welcome back Yellow Flower! After a short absence he is back, and I am glad. My feeble attempts to spruce up my page were, at best, sophomoric.

Here is a safety tip: don�t burn a candle on the second shelf of the bookshelf. I narrowly avoided burning down my house moments ago. Holy Cow! Dad would *not* be happy, especially since the kitchen is being installed this week (yes, finally after all these months!)

Another safety tip: When you are driving, it is, like your Driver�s Ed teacher said a wise idea to keep your eyes on the road. Case in point, Saturday while out and about, I took my eyes off the road for a second, and I almost slammed into the back of a whole row of cars in front of me! I used my quick thinking and action reflexes and swerved into the center lane, narrowly averting disaster, not to mention new sky high insurance premiums!

My job/screening interview went well on Saturday. It turns out, that the children of the gentleman that interviewed me all had Mr. Mac as a social studies teacher. This is a good thing. Mr. Mac sent him a nice letter of recommendation today. Things are good. I hope they stay that way. I like being a teacher.

Life goes on�

8:01 p.m. - March 04, 2002


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