edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Grandma's house

I was going to write about silly and stupid things, but something happened to me today that changed my mind. It was nothing monumental or earth shattering, but it made me think.

I went over to my grandparent�s house to pick tangerines. They have both passed on, but my step-grandmother still lives there. She is just as much of a grandmother as Grandma Pearl was, so she remains a part of our family.

Grandma and Grandpa�s house is on a huge acre lot. The house was built back in the late 1950s, so it lacks the mono cookie cutter look that so many people settle for in our society of urban sprawl and fast food (I�d like to especially dedicate that last remark to Mr. Levski, who is not an environmental wacko�hehehe). Ah, but I digress. In the backyard are fruit trees and a vast expanse of green grass. I remember as a child running races, hiding between the trees, and having sleep overs on the trampoline. Along the side fences are all sorts of berry bushes, honeysuckles, and other assorted �vine� type plants as well. I to me these bushes, the grass and the trees were always green, and full of life. They never looked worn and tired or old, until today.

I walked through the side gate to the garden, and this plot of land was equally dry and brown. What has happened? I realized that one day the yard, the house, and the trees will not be in the family. No longer will we be able to plant melons, pollinate the date trees, play pomegranate baseball or ride the tractor mower around the yard.

It seems that in an instant my childhood went away. Grandma�s house was always a place to be young, but today it looked old and tired. The bushes are dead, the grass is brown, and the trees are in need of a serious pruning. It�s just hard to believe, that someday, maybe soon, maybe not, someone else will live there and not know who Eden, Mur, Jeri, Joyce, Keith, Guen, Robbie, Matty, Mac, Kimi and all 25 of my other cousins are, and all of the fun things we did in the back yard, and at Grandma�s house.

Why do we have to grow up? I want it to be 1978 again.

9:33 p.m. - January 29, 2002


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