edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


I'm in love with Tom and Norm.

Yes, I�m glad it�s Friday. Middle Schoolers suck the life out of me. In fact last night I just laid down to rest my eyes till Tom Brokaw came on (and you must know that I wait and look forward to his daily visit) but �twas not to be. I fell fast asleep for a couple of hours.

I did not feel refreshed when I awoke. I felt groggy and I was mad because I missed Tom. I still love you TOM!

I would like to extend a very special Eden�s Garden HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ms. Lifeblood today. She is an undisclosed age (which really means I have no clue � some friend I am!) It�s a 70s themed party. Hmmm�I was born in the 70s does that count? I like �That 70s Show� on FOX, I listen to lots of 70s music�I could come as Jan Brady, I mean I have the hair and the glasses to finish off the ensemble. I lack the clothes�I don�t even think that my mom has any leftovers in her closet from that time, except materniy clothes, but let's not even go there.

Ok tomorrow I have to go into the city, in fact, half way to California (the west side) to take my final test for certification. I not going to get to sleep in and I�ll be missing �This Old House� on PBS. I love Norm Abram more than I love Tom Brokaw�look at what a dork I am! After this test, only a few more hoops to jump thru�horray�it�s FRIDAY!

3:48 p.m. - January 25, 2002


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