edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Remember this day

A very solemn day in the 8th grade. We had two survivors of the Holocaust come and speak to us. I was anticipating and looking forward to this the whole day. I think it�s because I took a Jewish history class in college and we studied this very important subject in depth. The gravity of the Holocaust did not hit me until this morning as I listened to the stories being told.

Nessie, the woman, was 13 when the Nazis came and moved her family to the Ghettos. She was lucky because she was able to work, she was healthy and was able to find her family after the war was over.

Henri, was also fortunate. He was moved to a work camp after his arrival at Auschwitz and also had family survive. He rolled up his sleeve and showed us the tattoo on his arm. One of the kids asked if he was ever going to have it removed. He said no, that he would take it to his grave, all of it, the tattoo, the nightmares, the horror.

I don�t know how much my students appreciated this, or if they realized the importance of the situation. Maybe when they are older they will look back and be able to tell their children. I know I will. After the class I went up to thank Nessi, but she grabbed me and embraced me. I thanked her for coming, but instead she thanked me for listening and remembering. Henri, looked at me as well, his eyes were filled with true kindness and love.

Henri and Nessi both wore lapel pins that said �Remember� in Hebrew. REMEMBER this day, yes, I will.

3:09 p.m. - January 24, 2002


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