edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


True colors of 8th grade buttheads

Here I sit once again at the Biblioteque, mulling about in Diaryland. It�s weird, I�ve seen several of my students here today. Yes, we all have lives out side of The Junior High Near You.

Speaking of which, today in 8th grade, a lesson in true colors. I have a lot of kids�.and I mean at least ONE THIRD�who are on IEPs, or Individual Education Plans. They have disabilities or problems which entitle them to help etc. (I know Mr. Levski will just love that). Anywhoo�one of these kids, who is emotionally handicapped had an episode today. He just had a tantrum at the end of class. He totally flipped out! At first I had no idea what was happening, but then I realized. Mr. Mac was right there to help, but at the same time it was a shock.

In forth hour I have a manic-depressive kid. He wears Dead Kennedy�s t-shirts and mopes around in an Edgar Allen Poe sort of fashion. Instead of a backpack, he carried his books in an avocado green hard side Samsonite suitcase today. The suitcase had a lock, someone changed the combination on it, therefore ACCESS DENIED. Very distracting. He had to leave the room. Also in 4th, the resident and chief butthead decided that he was just going to talk, throw things and mess around. After class I pulled him aside and told him that it�s fine if he wants to screw up his own life, but when he gets other people in on it, then I have problem�butthead.

Finally, one of the kids in the newspaper class looks and acts just like Bryan. Am I having a hard time with this? Yes. It�s hard enough that I miss Bryan, and occasionally have heart palpitations about my former lover, but to have the teenaged version of him roaming around making his presence known is distracting. Ok is that weird? I hope not, it�s just an observation. I�m not a sick-o, I promise!

4:18 p.m. - January 23, 2002


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