edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Where was I, when the world stood still?

Please excuse Ms. Eden from 8th grade today, she was hit by post nasal drip, and is no longer lucid.

Reminder to self: Always make your lunch in the morning. School food really HAS gotten worse over the years.

I�m grading essays tonight.

Something that Cool Mama La wrote today really hit a nerve with me. She ruminated on life since September 11th. Who hasn�t? I was thinking about this same subject this morning as I was listening to the radio.

In many ways life remains the same for me. I drive to work, I shop at the store, I call my friends, I watch TV. Some things have changed. I feel a burden of sadness in my life, with this burden is a pall of fear. No, I�m not cracking up, and hiding under the bed, but I do feel the need to look over my shoulder more. I felt this way in Bulgaria. I know what it will do to me, it will drain me, it will wear on me, it makes me mad.

I am also constantly reminded of the new world that I live in now. Come Friday if I choose to fly, the airlines have the right to search my things on a whim � to hell with the 4th Ammendment. I have to be careful when I open the mail, or eat out�and so the list goes on. It makes me tired to think about it all. It seems like the whole world is just teetering on the edge of who knows what.

As I pulled into the parking lot this morning, Alan Jackson sang the last notes of his song, �Where were you the day the world stood still?� Where was I? I was at home, just waking up, watching in horror as the world stood still. I�m tired of standing still. I want to run again.

3:39 p.m. - January 16, 2002


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