edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Glitterin' Gang-bangers what's that smell?

I am not feeling well. Yes, a week and a half of kid germs has finally caught up with me. I�m feeling all spacey and floaty. Must get drugs�

This was not the reason, however, for my absence yesterday. I was wicked busy with some school stuff and just didn�t get to Diaryland, I know�tragic!

Yesterday, I broke up a fight. Yes, the two resident gang-bangers decided to have a friendly brawl. Of course, they claimed they were only playing, but come now children, who do you think I am? That teacher from Ferris Bueller? I don�t think so.

Today, we had an accident in 3rd hour. One of the flittery-young-ladies, broke a bottle of glitter on her desk. Lovely. She tried to clean off the faces of her friends with the poof ball on the end of her pencil. It didn�t work, so we are all nice and sparkly and glittery.

Yesterday I caught a whiff of something that I�d totally forgotten about. Some illegal substance perhaps? Some cologne to make my heart palpatate? Hardly. It was a smell I call, �8th Hour Children.� Yes, moms and dads know it the world over. It�s the smell that lingers in the classroom after 150 kids have tromped in and out, and respirated for 6 hours. Lovely I tell you, just lovely. In fact one of the newspaper kids 8th hour commented on this. The discussion moved forward, when every one, not wanting to be named the stinky one, pulled out their deodorant as proof that they were not the offending party. Lovely. Look kids, deodorant won�t help us get rid of 8th Hour children smell, only Lysol or Clorox cleaning wipes, which I�m temped to bring tomorrow, for my own sake.

This is all for today. I�m grading papers�look how teacherly I�ve become! Who-knew!

4:44 p.m. - January 15, 2002


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