edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


The FREAK out factor

The School Cafeteria is still wreaking havoc on my GI tract! Holy Cow! (I wish I�d eaten a Holy Cow, then at least I�d be going to some place near Nirvana � right now I�m just in H-E-double-hockey-sticks!) Oh, it�s not gross, I�m not hurling, or spewing forth unrighteous chunks, but I feel like I�ve swallowed the Anvil Chorus.

Today, I�ve been grading essays from our test on the 1920s. It�s been an interesting read. Some of the kids knew their stuff, others did not. One of the questions had to do with the right of the KKK to exist under the Constitution. Some of the answers agreed that it did, citing the 1st Amendment, others said it did not citing the Bible, moral standards and what I like to call the �freak factor.�

Things like: �You have got to be a �freaking� idiot to agree with that� or � There is no �freaking� way racism is right� and �there is no �freaking� way that God approves of the KKK, it�s against the Bible.� I had to laugh.

Tomorrow and all day Saturday, I am judging a sight-reading competition for the Regional Choir Festival. Kind of ironic, considering that, that was the reason I never made it to the regional choir as a teenager. I bemoan the fact that I�m giving up a good part of my weekend (you all know what a hoppin� social life I have�nudge, wink), but I�m getting paid in real monies. The experience I�m getting paid student teaching is priceless, but it doesn�t pay the bills.

So, tomorrow I�m off�Have a great weekend�do re mi fa so la ti do!

4:40 p.m. - January 17, 2002


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