edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Should I be watching this?

And I miss you, like the deserts miss the rain��

Had lunch today with Mr. Levski and a friend today. It was nice to see both of them again. I asked them what they were going to do after our lunch. They looked at each other and shrugged, �Um, I don�t know, go to Home Depot and play with the tools.� Ok men�funny boys.

I don�t have much to say today, other than I am so very tired. I was working on my scrapbook and filing last night. I just got going and lost track of the time. When I looked at the clock, it was 2 am. I�m going to have to stop doing that.

It�s funny though. I had my TV on as I was working, and as the hour grows later, the shows get weirder. For example, I started with the News, Seinfled, MASH, and COPS (which I DID NOT watch!). Eventually all of the weird �dating� shows came on. You all know about Blind Date (and admit it we all secretly love watching it) then there was a new show called Elimidate. On Elimidate one girl or guy will start off with four members of the opposite gender and eliminate them one by one. It�s like the Blind Date from Hell meets Survivor. It�s funny really, because the participants are all clamoring for the attention of the date and end up making total fools of themselves. I�m glad I�m not even remotely tempted to go on a program such as this. I�ll stay single and cynical thank you very much!

The hour grows late and I have miles to go before I sleep today, so I�m off to seek my fortune in a pile of laundry and a cleaning bucket! :)

Have a great weekend, and stay tuned for Monday�s exciting entry: Day 1 of School!!!

4:37 p.m. - January 04, 2002


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