edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Pass the egg nog, it's the end of the week

Here I sit, frantically closing my life here at glamorous secretarial job I have. Next week at this time I'll be going, the desk will be cleaned out, and the Engineer's will have to answer their own phone calls and order their own lunches. They seem to keep working under the delusion that I'm going to come back in 9 weeks after student teaching. I think it highly unlikely, unless it's for the summer; I have to sub so I can get some experience under my belt. (There you go Mr. Levski -- a teacher taking a second job -- are you and your other conservative friends happy now?)

**Ok, that was a cheap shot, but I had to take it. Apologies to all of my conservative friends.**

The Big Guy just freaked out that I made him transfer his own phone call. He said that he didn't want to do it, I politely reminded him that in a week he'd be on his own. He only rolled his eyes, and grimaced at me, because he knows, HE KNOWS, I am right!!! He hates it when I'm right!

Let me clear up some confusion. I was not teaching yesterday. I just went to observe my teacher and my future students. He gave me a boatload of stuff to read, and a textbook to study over the holiday break. The semester starts January 7th with the Roaring 20s, a time period that I am not overly familiar with. I mean, I've read the Great Gatsby and seen Thoroughly Modern Millie and even had my hair bobbed at various times, but over all I'm at a loss. Mr. Teacher wants me to start the first day, but I'm not quite sure about that, it would be good in many respects, for the kids and me, but am I ready to jump into the fire so soon? I still have a few days to decide. (Cue music: "Heaven help my heart" from Chess).

You'll all be happy to know, that today, not more than 10 minutes ago, I slipped my VERY LAST credit card payment into the mailbox! (Cue music: "Oh JOY, oh rapture" from HMS Pinafore) Of course, since I have such a swell payment history (ha ha) they're going to give me Platinum's the Limit to spend. I won't though, I've played that game already, I'm hanging up my shirt on that one.

It's the weekend. Tomorrow night is the company Christmas dinner, it's a catered affair -- translation -- lots of yummy calories with none of the guilt. When we were RSVPing, Troy the office manager, said, "Eden, you're coming alone? Do you want me to get you a date?" Umm, really no thanks, I'm fine to come alone. What is it in our society that makes us fear going places alone? I know it's human nature to couple up, and I would if I had that option, but is it so bad that I choose to come alone to many places? Even when I was having heart palpitations for Thursday, I was still happier out and about on my own. If I'm unhappy with where ever I am, I can just slip away, it's freedom at it's finest. Maybe that's why I remind myself of Holly Golightly sometimes. I'd be fine being Holly, but then again, in the end Holly falls in love with George Peppard and Cat in the pouring rain. Now wouldn't that be romantic? I guess, I'm just very picky and I'm not going to drag someone I barely know to a function where my coworkers are, they can be brutal.

A few days ago, I mentioned that I am a traditionalist when it comes to holiday music. Today it's December 14, 2001, and the Christmas radio station is becoming very creative as to what they are playing. Eric Snider had a column in my University's paper, when I was a student. He now writes for another newspaper in the town where we all went to college. He hit the nail right on the head with his commentary on Christmas music today. Maybe if I drink enough eggnog, the wailing will stop.

Speaking of music, I have been asked to sing in church this Sunday. Yes, I am the featured member of the congregation this month, having spoken last week, and singing this week. Next week, I'll be doing acrobatics from the pulpit. I'm a bit nervous about it. I'm having a hard time with the breathing and it's in a really weird middle key. Oh! I guess we'll muddle thru somehow, if not I'll break into my acrobatics a week early. Oh wait, maybe that *wouldn't* be such a good idea.

My boss has begun to stare, so this is my clue, for a speedy exit and fast adieu. More on Monday�the last week of the most glamorous job in the world!

3:31 p.m. - December 14, 2001


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