edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


More Matt Damon with out all of that nasty Ben Afleckter-taste

Movie Review: Ocean's Eleven, go see it. It was good, super-smooth groove soundtrack which reminded me of the group Supreme Beings of Leisure. I'm sorry but George Clooney will always be Dr. Doug Ross from ER to me. It was the same in "Oh Brother", and in Ocean's Eleven -- that's not a bad thing, but I'm just saying. Brad Pitt, played the cool, yet slyly funny second banana, I have no opinion of Julia Roberts, Andy Garcia was perfectly evil, Carl Reiner, nostalgic and comforting and Elliot Gould, hilarious. And then there was Mr. Matt Damon without all of that nasty Ben Afleckter-taste. Now, I don't want anyone thinking that it was purely a drool-fest, it was to an extent, but, it really was a good movie.

We put up our Christmas tree this weekend. We have a system at our house. Dad mounts it, I string it, and Mom decorates it. It's always in the same place, in the corner by the front door, next to the couch. I'm not very good at stringing the lights. I didn�t know that you have to have an extension cord for it to all work out right. So now we have a huge octopus looking tangle of plugs for the lights. I think the only person that will really notice is my brother (the one I always fight with). Of course he refuses to help because, in his words, "He doesn't live here anymore." Fine, little one, if you don't live at the homestead anymore, you loose your driveway privileges. (He refuses to accept this, and I end up having to park on the street, but I suppose there are worse things, right?)

I also was able to get most of my gifts bought. I spent a reasonable amount of money. I'm working on a very tight budget this year, seeing as how is 3 weeks, I'll be in finical ruin. (Student teachers do not get paid in dollars, rather, we get paid in experience). So there are going to be no extras for the on-the-fringe friends, semi-associates and total strangers this year. I have made it a point to put something in every Salvation Army bucket I pass, however. I know it's only the miscellaneous change that resides on the bottom of my purse, but I feel good doing it. I know I need to do more, and I will, I just don't know what yet.

Did I mention that when I go to teach at the Junior High near you, I'll be teaching the Newspaper class? I'm slightly nervous about this. Why? Well, I never was really interested in journalism, and in fact I always thought the "Newspaper Kids" were kind of snotty and being the normal, well adjusted teenager that I was, I made fun of them. I really have no clue what goes on in these classes; this is going to be a HUGE eye-opener, zany adventure. I'm scared really. I think my ulcer is coming back. Which is not good, but, thanks to wonders of modern medicine, I can make all go away with a few pills.

Tonight is week 5 of the last 6 week class that I�m in. So, using our marvelous powers of deductive reasoning we can assume that next week is THE LAST CLASS!! I'm dancing with JOY about this!! No more Mondays at school, I can take a trip in the summer or participate in the Community Theater, if I want! It�s a good thing. It also means no more Ms. Newspaper headaches. Oh blessed event!

Speaking of which, I need to throw some homework together for this evenings festivities. I bid you all, a lovely Montag. Aufwiederschreiben Kinder. (Can you tell, I was German Googled).

11:36 a.m. - December 10, 2001


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