edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Kissing Bill Clinton will get you that "liberal" tag.

"To all the men I've loved before, who've traveled in and out my door," for Pete's sake close the door, there's a draft in the room!

I'm trying to act like an adult despite my "7th grade relationship trauma." I saw Thursday yesterday, and he saw me. All I wanted was to walk away quietly, but he kept following me. Doesn't he understand the meaning of "cooling off period?" I guess not. I was 2 shakes away from running to the ladies washroom and hiding out, but in true "7th grade relationship" fashion, my girlfriends all surrounded me as a protective measure. But, I found out the real reason he doesn't love me. I read the New York Times. That qualifies me as a bona fide dyed in the wool liberal, I guess?? Sure, just because I'm trying to stay up on world events and I have a somewhat more than limited world view. Whatever, Thursday, if It'll make you stay away from me, I'll give Bill Clinton a big kiss on the lips. Oh wait, no thanks.

So, yesterday I was watching PBS (I do this frequently, because I'm a nerd) and they were showing Rick Steves' Travels thru Europe. Rick was in Bulgaria. I naturally, scrambled for a tape and recorded it. I was glad that I did. Rick visited all of the places that I lived. I was a little bit emotional -- damn hormones! I miss Bulgaria at times, and lately I miss it more than ever. Lifeblood and Mr. Levski will testify to that. I spent time in person or on the phone with both of them this weekend. What am I going to do, to get back? I'm sure it�s only a matter of time before those Lotto numbers and calls to Ms. Cleo start paying off.

At any rate, I think I have a paper to write and a report or two to type, so I bid you all a fond and fine farewell�

PS. Eric aka Dirt Guy if you tell me what a/s/l is I'd be happy to get back with you on that. Ok now I've totally revealed how non-internet savvy I am. Silly me.

1:30 p.m. - December 03, 2001


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