edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Send me and my plastic Santa a holiday letter please!

I can't complain about being more than my ideal weight today. I've consumed too many Dunkin' Donuts--three, all before my healthy lunch of a grilled cheese sammich, and Danish Butter Cookies. Thank goodness for control top pantyhose, tae-bo and slim fast this weekend!

So this morning I wrote my first ever cheezy holiday form letter. I don't know what has come over me. Maybe I caught some sort of Martha Stewart Anthrax-virus when I was back east. Next thing I know, I'll be color coordinating my socks and mascara color with the frosting on my Christmas cookies or something. Oh, how scary. At first, I didn�t know what to write. How do I summarize one of the most tumultiouous years of my life? I think I've felt the wide spectrum of emotions, love, anger, grief, frustration, and joy. I did manage to spit out a half way decent representation of the last 365 days. I'm printing it out on festive holiday paper even as I write this.

I got a note from my good friend in real life and here in Diaryland, Lifeblood, in my guestbook today. She said I have a broken link, (ok, all blonde jokes aside) on the 'About me' link on the left side of the screen. It's not really broken; I've just never put anything there. Other diaries I've read have similar pages, some titled, "biography" or "the cast" or "dramatas personae." So I thought, "Hey cool idea." The only problem is, I don't know what to put. What should I put? What do you, the few, the faithful readers of Eden's Garden want to know about me, about that crazy girl known in Cyber space as Eden? Email me or put a question in my guestbook. Not only will you help me over come my writers block, you will make me happy because there will be stuff in my inbox on Monday morning. How's that for shameless self-promotion?

On to other things. Have you heard that they've banned Santa Claus from Christmas in Maryland? The town of Kensington changed the theme of the annual town tree lighting to a celebration of patriotism. The town leaders felt like Santa, a religious symbol didn't have place in a patriotic celebration. What? I know that "Santa Claus" has his roots in St. Nickolas, but come on. Red suit, red nose, 8 reindeer, a line at the mall, ho ho ho, plastic Santa in your front yard? What's more patriotic than a plastic Santa? I hope Santa crashes the party in the spirit of civil disobedience. Now that would be patriotic!

This morning as I tuned into Diaryland, I read one of my favorite's the diary of La the Sage. She always has good things to say, but today she was in fine form. Not only did she talk about the artistic beauty of Film Noir, but she wrote about her Bulgarian child. As you all know, I lived in Bulgaria, and I miss it terribly sometimes. Today, La made me think of home today. Thanks La.

On a final note, you've all heard by now of the passing of George Harrison, the quiet Beatle. George was my favorite, he wrote some amazing songs, and played some amazing guitar. Thanks for the music Mr. Harrison. (Check out Rick's page for a lovely tribute too).

This is all for now, Have a great weekend, and remember, only 24 more shopping days till Christmas! Let the melee begin!!

2:31 p.m. - November 30, 2001


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