edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Poinsettias and the Nutcracker will heal my heart

Today in the Garden of Eden, Eden is having "7th grade relationship angst." Yes, you heard it here first; I received a letter yesterday, a real letter in the post box. It was from Thursday. It was not good. "Eden, you are a woman of high caliber, and that you are interested in me is flattering, but I don't feel that there is any chemistry for us. I hope, however, that we can continue to see each other and 'hang-out.' You're fun to be with." No, I don't think so. There will be no 'hanging out', there will only be polite, yet distant small talk. I don't have time to 'hang out.' You're off the Christmas card list too, pal.

I'm not heart broken, well I am to a point, but I'm not in sackcloth and ashes. My first reaction was one of relief. Honestly, I know that I've gone on about him with schoolgirl wonderment and giddiness, but there were things that bothered me about him. He is right, the chemistry for anything long term is not there. I am feeling sheepish though, I think that's a natural human reaction when we try and fail at something. So, I cried my 10 minutes of tears last night, and as I stared up at the cottage cheese on the ceiling, I said a prayer and returned to square one. I swear, dating is like a big game of Chutes and Ladders. Sometimes you're climbing and sometimes you're sliding�wheeee!


To console my grief, I have surrounded myself in the comforts of Christmas. I bought a nice bright red poinsettia last night at the Piggly-Wiggly. Red, is fast becoming my new favorite color, and this flower is nice and red. Poinsettias also remind me of my Grandma Pearl. She had a poinsettia plant in her front yard. When we were kids we would go out and pick the flowers off to see the milky white insides of the plant, taking great care not to ingest this milk(it's poisonious). If we were feeling dangerous we would try and get it on each other, and then stage grand and elaborate death scenes in the yard. Of course we could never keep a straight face and usually ended up falling down with laughter or dog piling on each other.

I also have a pyramid of oranges on my desk. I peeled one earlier and managed to get the spray from the peel everywhere (in typical fashion). It's made my whole cube smell nice and orangey�mmmm! I love oranges. In about 2 weeks all the fruit on our trees will be ripe. This is the advantage of living in the Southwest, as opposed to the picturesque Northeast or Midwest. We have fruit growing in our backyards in the dead of winter.

Finally, I splurged and am going to the Ballet on Friday night with Marian the Librarian, my musical and incredibly talented cousin. We're going to see The Nutcracker. I love the ballet, but the Nutcracker is my sentimental favorite. As young children, Grandma Pearl insisted that we have culture in our lives. So every Christmas season she would load all of us into the Station Wagon and drive us into town to see the traveling Ballet company perform The Nutcracker. I can still remember the feeling of excitement I would have as the curtain arose and the music began. I always wanted to be one of the Snowflake Dancers, or one of the Buffoon children (well at least that part came true). Of course, my dreams of being a Snowflake ballerina were dashed when I grew to be 5' 8" at the young age of 13; too tall to be a ballerina. I still feel the same excitement when I listen to my Nutcracker CD and when I have gone to see the Nutcracker as an adult.

High culture and the ballet; that's me, reliving my childhood today, because I feel like a child. Tomorrow�comical commuting calamities and other wonderments of the metro-Phoenix freeways.

11:55 a.m. - November 28, 2001


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