edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


The schmutz of frustration

Can you say "FRUSTRATION" neighbor? Oh, I know I only have 3 more weeks of school left, but last night left me in a maze of confusion, frustration and disillusion. I taught, my final lesson for the program, HOO-RAY! I was to randomly select 3 classmates to critique me. Two of my three critics came right out and said, "I didn't like your lesson, because I don't like your subject. It's stupid to study History." Ok, um, thanks? I don't really care for Math, but I would never say that to either of you, and I realize as well, that although I have no interest in Math, it's an important subject!!

Last time I taught, one of these people remarked under her breath, when someone asked me a question, "Of course she knows the answer, little Miss Know-it-all." This is a 40+ woman. I just don't get it. I feel singled out�

I'm also left to question the reasoning behind these mock lessons. Is it for us to practice writing, planning, preparing and then presenting a lesson, as well as practice speaking in front of a group? Or, is it to "deal" with adults trying to act like middle school discipline problem children? I hope it is the former although I've always come away from the experience feeling like it was the latter. I'm frustrated. It's also hard to teach a lesson that belongs in the middle of a unit, and try to have the "class" pretend that they have half a clue of what it going on. Maybe I'll stay at the glamorous secretary job I have now, twiddle away my afternoons in Diaryland, and read People magazine till my brain decomposes. No--I'll go back to school and be more generous with my critics than they were with me. I'll kill them with kindness, although I'd rather nail them to the wall today.

In other news, I mentioned yesterday that it has grown quite chilly here in the last few days. Well this morning was proof that it's quazi-winter here in Phoenix. There was frost on my car's windows and I could see my breath. My feet have turned into little Popsicles as well. I hate having cold feet. I think cold feet are one of my few bad memories from Bulgaria. When I lived there, my feet were cold 24/7, except for a week around the fourth of July in 1996. Anyway, happy winter everyone!! Now, I realize that I have readers in such cold places as Michigan, Ohio, and New York and you are probably saying 'deal with it honey! We'll be digging out for months.' What can I say I'm a desert rat, born and raised, and I feel like sniveling today--wha wha wha! Besides, I think Mandolen is feeling the same way. It's cold down her way too.

How much decongestant can you take before it stops working effectively? I think my decongestant stopped working last night. I was so rudely awakened last night around 4 a.m. by my death rattle breathing. I'd taken some medicine marked 'hydro-pseudophedrine-something-cloride.' I don't know, maybe I poisoned myself and this is all a dream. I wonder though, I think after you take cold medicine for 3 days 'diminishing marginal returns' sets in. At any rate, I'm sleeping sitting up tonight, maybe then I'll feel rested.

Ok, I think I have exorcised all of the schmutz from my being for today. This is why I love Diaryland, free, fast therapy! :) I should go do something semi-work related now. Have a great afternoon all.

12:46 p.m. - November 27, 2001


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