edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Yard games, GAP ads, my brave deed, and post nasal drip. Oh how fun!

"It's the most wonderful time of the year�" Not because we have snow here in the Valley of the Sun, but that it's not blazing hot! In fact, I had to wear a sweater, in fact, I wore my "first snow" sweater today, how appropriate since it finally snowed out here in the west (up north at least), ah, but I dribble, when there is much to discuss, divert and disseminate here today. Where *do* I start?

Thursday was the big day, Thanksgiving. I love the holidays, I really do, but sometimes the whole thought of being around my family is just a punishment. Can I stand to be inflicted with the "So, where is your special someone, Eden?" Or, "So how's that love life?" You all saw the " 'Turkey-Curry Buffet' scene in Bridget Jones' Diary right? I'm Bridget, really I am, dressed in my mother's best tablecloth, being asked all sorts of personal questions and paraded in front of men wearing reindeer pullovers. So, normally after wading through the personal issues of my life, that *I* don't even think about myself, with everyone in family, I usually go home and cry into my pillow and swear that next year, 'I'll show them!'

For whatever reason, and I thank the gods for this, no one asked me anything personal, except for one 'extra-cool' teenaged cousin, who's opinion doesn't count anyway. It was fabulous, not to have to run home in tears. Instead, my sister and I organized the little children for a round of yard games, you know, Red-rover, Red light/green light, What time is Mr. Fox?, Tag, Duck-duck goose and London Bridges. I'd forgotten how fun it is to play yard games. It is not fun however to fall. Yes, staying true to form (I am the Queen of Klutz) I fell, and landed right on my right arm and shoulder. My 3-year-old niece, thought it would be fun to come and jump on me. So, that's what she did. Jumped up and down screaming, "Look! Mommy, I'm squashing Edie, it's fun! You come too!!" All in all it was a great day, and I only consumed 1 million calories instead of the 2 million, what a great display of personal restraint, if I must say so.

Friday, I did not venture out at all ungodly hours of the morning to catch sweet deals on consumer goods. I'll pay full price, keep my sanity and sleep in thanks. Normally, I try to avoid the malls, Mal-Wart, and even my favorite place to shop, Tar-*get, the day after Thanksgiving. But, since we are in a recession, I wanted to see if people were proving the economic pundits right by not shopping. I found my experience to be quite pleasant. Not only were there very few people out and about, I found primo parking most places I went. Very good, hooray for recessions! Of course, being the self-centered, singleton that I am, only bought stuff for myself this trip. I'm still formulating my gift buying attack plan; Who get's what from where, how much do I spend this year, Christmas cards or annoying holiday family newsletter? At least I can�t do the obligatory holiday baking. Not having a kitchen takes that choice right away--thank goodness!

But here is the flip side of the Christmas shopping season; we are once again being assaulted by annoying GAP ads. This year it's bad people, very bad. Not only are they playing the same 3 commercials over and over again, every other commercial till our senses are numb, the GAP folks have managed to find every pop-hot-star who can't sing, to sing their "Give a little bit of your love" song. Heaven help me, if I have to hear Macy Gray, Jessica Simpson, and that guy in the dark glasses *not* sing again! They should have hired me, not only do I sing, I�m of normal size, I have wrinkles, I'm your average American girl. Give me a little bit of your love!

The rest of the weekend was low key, except that I've been hit in the sinuses with a cold. Today I feel all fuzzy and floaty. It's not too pretty, really. At least I know that the Kleenex company, the makers of Nyquil and the Celestial Seasons tea company will come through this recession in tact, no thanks to my consumption of their fine products. One of the down sides to being sick is that I smell all sick and antisepticish right now, it's not pretty. It's good I sit up in the front of the office all alone.

I did a brave thing this weekend as well. You all know of my recent heart palpitations toward a certain young Mr. Thursday. I've just had enough with the strange funk that has seem to settle between us, and I've not been able to find the right moment for a conversation with him, so I wrote him a letter. I'd actually written this letter after I snubbed him at class 2 weeks ago, but hadn't had the chance to give it to him. I was so tired of carrying it, so I stamped it and threw it in the mailbox before I could think twice about it. I basically poured my heart out to him, but not in a needy, co-dependent way, but I just told him how I felt, and asked him to do the same. If all is well, I want to move beyond the boundary of 'just friends,' if not, fine. BUT QUIT YANKING MY CHAIN!! Moe, thinks I'm crazy for doing this. (I think she's secretly jealous because she's not brave enough to stretch her neck out this way). Really, time will tell, I didn't see him yesterday, but I don't think he's back from holiday, so no worries, not yet, not till Thursday night at class. I'll be a basket case then. There, that was your warning; I'll be cranky on Thursday.

I just ate a bowl of Brazilian Black Bean soup for lunch. I had Gordon at the deli put pico de gallo in it to spice it up a bit. We'll I'm here to tell you that Serrano chilies, onions and cilantro will make your nose run, and your sinuses drain. It's like someone just took away the Hoover Dam--swoosh there goes the mighty Colorado! But it does feel good to breath and not be mistaken for deep throat. And I don't smell all mediciney anymore. I smell spicy! Hey, that means I'm a spice girl. "Tell me what you want, what you really really want�" And with that, I'm gone. Hope all is well in Diaryland, and thanks for the nice notes and emails some of you were so kind to leave. Have a great afternoon ~~ Eden.

12:49 p.m. - November 26, 2001


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