edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Amazing things

I have just one thing in the political arena to comment on today and it has to do with biological weapons. I watched an episode of the PBS program NOVA on Saturday, the whole episode was about the development of all sorts of bio-weapons, and not by just the "bad guys" but by the United States as well. It's very scary stuff people, and that's an understatement, to say the least. All I can say is, WHY? Why did we need these weapons when all of our nukes would have done the job just fine? Then today I read this article in the NY Times. Are we surprised that the bad guys have these things too? Great, thank you "powers that be" for screwing the regular people of the world once more.

Ok so this is a semi-political point as well. I am fascinated with the people of Afghanistan, and their stories of survival during Taliban rule. This article in the Boston Globe was excellent. I think it just adds more proof to the feeling I've always had. No matter what the situation, whatever the regime, no matter how terrible the oppression, people will always look for way to survive. I look at these women in Afghanistan and I'm really quite impressed. What if the Taliban, instead of policing Virtue and Vice, would have allowed these women to work, to learn, and to provide for their families? I think we would have seen great things, and I think now that these people are free, we will see even greater things.

I didn't go to the stupid hockey game. As we all know, I couldn't get a date if my life depended on it. So I gave the tickets to my sister and brother-in-law. They were really thankful for the tickets and for the evening away from the kids (plus I got to baby-sit, really a win-win for all). I had an interesting conversation with my 3 year old niece M-2. She said, "Um, Edie, um, um, do you, I mean, are you thinking what, um do you know what I think?" No, what do you think? "Um, just, Thanks for that Clifford with the green hat, that you gave to me. I really like him, so thanks a lot."

At this point my heart melted and I just about started to cry. She was so sincere, and so sweet about thanking me for a present that I gave her over 2 months ago. It really touched my heart. It just felt good to be appreciated, to be thanked, and to be loved so unconditionally. What if every one in the world could be as thankful and as sweet as my niece? I think amazing things.

1:33 p.m. - November 19, 2001


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