edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


The 100th Entry

Happy 100th Entry

Yes, I can hardly believe it myself, but this is the 100th episode of Eden's Garden. I suppose I should have planned some huge Hollywood spectacular, complete with celebrity cameos, a big cake, fireworks and free ballons for the kids, but then again, this is Diaryland, where you are all left to guess "Is it live, or is it Memorex?"

What is there to say, other than, I started this diary because my cool friend Mr. Levski had one, and I wanted to be like him. I then got my good pals Ducky and Lifeblood to join too (and yes we are all friends in real life). At first I wanted it to be a place for me to vent my opinions, which I do with some frequency, and a place for me to write in a public forum, with relatively little criticism. But it's become more than that, not only is Eden's Garden a great place to waste time at work, it's been a catharsis for me. You've all read how I broke up with B., and am finding new likes and dislikes on the singles scene. I write about school and becoming a teacher (we're down to 5 weeks people), and sometimes lament on my crazy, but ideal family and our quirkiness, it's comical really. It's really a cornucopia of craziness. Am I "normal?" Who's really to say what "normal" is, and would I really ever want to be mainstream? No, I don't think so.

Thanks for reading, look out for the 101st Entry Extravaganza tomorrow!!

Today's Google: Diaryland Freshman 15 and Gardens

12:27 a.m. - November 14, 2001


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