edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


I'm at war...

I am at war people. Not with Osama or Al Queda, but with the my pantyhose. Yes, it's that brief 3 month period when the weather is cool enough (notice I didn't say cold, it's never cold here) and I actually try and squeeze my overly large bottom into the MAN-made hell of nylons. Yesterday, I wore the black dress, the one I've been trying to fit into for months now--it fits by the way. It requires pantyhose. It was quite comical actually as I was jumping around, contorting my body, trying to squish into those blasted little things! And yes, I got a run to boot. Grrr�Eden is mad! But it worked, I was in, and the dress was on. Never mind that I couldn't breath, move, bend over or raise my hands above my head, I looked smashing, and yes, I turned a few heads as I walked into church. Yes, I am at WAR, but dang if I'm not going to look good while I'm in battle!

Toast and I had a fabulous weekend! It was so good to see her after all of these months. Friday night we went in search of a place to eat. Of course being Friday night everything was packed, so we were resigned to Taco Smell. But that aside, it was nice company. We went back to her house to play cards. They were playing Rummy 500. I'd never played, but it seemed simple enough. I wasn't trying to win, I wasn't even paying attention most of the time and I won, I think? More fun was had, as Toast and I continued our "Show Tunes" review from the night before, to the dismay of the teenagers in the room. I feel pretty, oh so pretty la la la!! "How come you act so weird, Eden?" Because small one, I'm 28, single and I can do what ever I want! I don't have to be cool for anyone! Ahahhha!! I love the fact that peer pressure is not really an issue anymore.

Do you know who the #1 80s Hair-band is? Well Toast and I watched the countdown on VH-1 Saturday night while I was playing Miss Clairol on Toast's hair. Before I tell you who the top 1980s Hair-band is, let me just say, it was a trip down memory lane watching this program. Ah yes, I've said it before, the 1980s were fun years. How lucky was I to grow up when M-TV still played MUSIC, Supply-side Economics was in vogue, Cosby was our must-see TV, and big hair was in? Speaking of hair, the top Hair-band was not, to my disappointment Def Leppard, The Scorpions, or Bon Jovi. It was Poison. But deservedly so, they were the wildest, and had the biggest doo's to boot. I also won Rummy 500 again, but I cheated this time.

This all leads me to the next event in my life. School. I start MY LAST CLASS tonight!! I can't believe it's here, after a whole year, it's almost over. In six weeks I'll be making the biggest change of my life. I'll be going from "perpetual student with a job, to responsible adult with a career." It's frightening but exciting all at the same time. Am I ready for this? I'll find out I suppose.

More exciting adventures tomorrow.

1:25 p.m. - November 12, 2001


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