edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Stone Cold Turkey

What happens when you are no longer "Drunk with manpower?" You are stone cold turkey sober! I read in Boston Globe that beauty impacts the male brain like food or drugs. Ok, I think we've known this for years girls, and science is just now figuring it out? What I don't understand is, if this is true, how come I can't get a date for the Hockey game? Case in point�

I asked New Friend to go with me, again I was rejected!! "I don't like Hockey. it's nothing personal." Ok so, I guess the Thursday Funk is back. I just don't understand, do I have bad breath? Do I look fat in these jeans? The world will never know. Maybe I should drape myself in steak and potatoes to get a date to the hockey game.

Needless to say I was feeling rather dejected, not to the point of crying, but dejected nonetheless. Toast was with me, and she suggested a trip to TARGET. Oh how appropriate. She said, "Target always makes you feel better." You're right, you are absolutely right! So we went, but we did not spend--oh the will power it took. Instead we stood a CD display for about 30 minutes quizzing each other on the songs that were playing. We used to play this game when we would drive up and down the Wasatch Front in college. It's a fun game for us, I don�t know why. This edition of 'Name that Tune' was extra fun however. It was like a trip down memory lane, it was way 80s! Like, totally fer sher!! I guessed all the songs and artists on the "Power Ballads" CD and Toast got all the songs on the "New Wave" CD. "1980s Radio" was also a hit. It was like junior high all over again. I wanted to go grab my Esprit Tote bag, my frosted lipstick, blue mascara, and leg warmers, rat my bangs up and do the "Safety Dance" right there in the Target isle.

Eventually we wandered over to the Christmas decorations isle and found large plastic candy canes. We thought it was fun to pretend strangling each other with these things, however we concluded that this game would not be considered funny at the airport, as the Candy canes could be classified as dangerous weapons. At the other end of the isle were these star shaped things made of wire or something. Toast asked, "What do you use this for?" The first thing that came out of my mouth was, "To-hold-Cheeseballs???" It was so random, we burst out laughing! Cheeseballs? Ya, Velveeta, Swiss, Monteryjack with the little nut coating on them cheeseballs. Holiday parties will never be the same for either of us.

Our wanderings took us further into high-end discount shopping paradise on the purse isle. Toast found a very nice bag. I said, "Oh that would make the perfect medium sized black bag for any wardrobe." Now, the casual observer, or the typical man, might say, "What the heck is a 'Medium-sized' bag?" Well, it's the bag in the middle, its just the right size for daily use, as opposed to the small sized bag which you would take on an evening adventure or the big-sized bag which could also second as a carryon if need be. Toast said, "You know Eden, I know just what you mean by that." It's true, the only thing wrong with this bag, was that it was brown.

By this time it was 10pm and we were being asked to leave the Target, by the nice Target employees, ok, but we'll be back. As we drove home we sang show tunes, which, no matter how sad I am always make me feel better!! The Thursday Funk might be back, but Toast is here to ward off any possible meltdowns or crisis situations. We're going to strategize on how to get my Manpower back, and yes, we'll use our Betty Crocker arsenal if need be!

8:52 a.m. - November 09, 2001


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