edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


The ants go marching across my blue jeans

"The ants go marching two by two hurahh, hurahh!!"

Can you guess what is happening in my house? Yes, ever since the flood and the subsequent destruction of the kitchen we've had a bug problem at my house. It's been a serious disturbance in the force.

For example, I walked in the my bathroom, to begin my morning routine, and the counter was crawling with ants. And this is not the first time this has happened either. It seems like I've become a regular ant terminator. I squash them with my hands, or Kleenex, or I drowned them. (Mom says that grandma used to squash bugs with her hands too). I am so mean, I'm backsliding into the fiery depths even as we speak. These are no ordinary ants either. When I squash them they smell like an old person wearing moth ball perfume. So, consequently, I stink too. I can just picture it�"Eden, you smell ravishing, I must kiss you!!" Oh, alright Thursday, I'll indulge you, but just this once." Ha ha, right like that'd ever happen!!

Moving on, in addition to the ants, we've had "Cockroach" issues as well. You all know about my shower with the cockroach. But I'm happy to report that La Cucaracha did not jump out and scare the daylights out of me, as previously thought. He was there on the wall of the shower a few nights ago (again--can't I get some privacy??). I didn't panic this time. I went right for the shaving cream bottle and BAMM! He was squashed, and washed down the drain. It was quite the trauma, but I'm "OK."

"I just can't wait till this is all over." Momatron said last night, "I'm tired of this, it's like we're camping. I'm tired of camping out." Ummm HELLO Mother-dear! I've been saying that since day 1, and has anyone be listening? No!

Last night I was bad. I veged at the foot of the television. I caved into the Network Gods, also known as the Peacock, and watched and watched TV till my mind was numb and my brain sucked of all intelligent interaction. But, I must say, and Lisa Tote will back me up on this one, that the West Wing and Law & Order are both fine, fine programs. I swear, that Rob Lowe, despite his sordid past, is hunka-hunka, Jessie L. Martin over on L&O is nice eye candy too. Enough of this�on to more pressing matters

We are having company pictures today. It totally slipped my mind as I was getting dressed this morning. The only think running thru my mind was, "Get to work on time, must get to work on time!" (You all know that I am habitually 5 minutes late everywhere I go). What should have been running thru my mind was, "Put on a dress, look nice." So, here I am the blue jeans poster child lost in a sea of khaki and nylons. It's good I'm tall and will be standing on the back row. At least I have a nice sensible button-up shirt on today. I still feel like a dork! (What else is new?)

Ok, my lunch is here, I have to go put my bib on before I eat. That reminds me, I need to tell about my date at the senior prom sometime soon, because, it involved a bib, a broken wrist, big hair and puffy sleeved dresses!!

~~~More later...Eden

12:16 p.m. - November 08, 2001


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