edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Random Land is not the same as Texas

"Now that I've met you, would you object to never seeing each other again?" ~~Amiee Mann, Deathly

Today is November 7, 2001, what were you doing one year ago today? I woke up and went to vote. Is it possible that a year has past? It just seems like the whole mess that resulted from the Presidential election is so trivial compared to what we face today. I remember though, when I came into work that day, we all had our radios tuned into NPR for the "latest election coverage." I came home and proceeded to flip around the various TV channels, then the news monkeys started to "call" the election, and then recall, take back, call again and so on. It took about 3 days, and then I stopped listening to talk radio and switched to E-Z listening Mu-zak. It's too bad it took a tragedy such as the WTC destruction to bring us back together as a nation again. But, I have to say, I'm glad that we're a nation again.

Other tid-bits for today. The Russian Revolution started today in 1917--DA COMMRAD! Joni Mitchell (I love her music) is 58 and, AND that hunky Peter Brady is 44. Well, ok not Peter Brady exactly, because Peter Brady unfortunately is not real, but Christopher Knight the guy who played Peter Brady on TV is 44. Was that important to anyone's day? No, didn't think so. Oh and while were here in RANDOM LAND, I have to say that I also have readers in Texas! GOD BLESS TEXAS!! My brother-in-law lived in Texas for a while, he always says in reference to the Lone Star State, "It's God's country, people, it's Texas!" So that's for you Mandolen and for you Sa. And I don't want to leave out the folks in Illinois and Oregon either!

Newest Google: Slippery When Wet. I think that's a pretty funny entry.

Let's talk a little bit more baseball. MLB is closing down 2 teams, which means the Diamondbacks will possibly have to switch from the NL to the AL. I'm in bitter sweetness about this. If we stay in the NL, that means we still get to play the Cubs. I love the Cubbies, I was weaned on Harry Carry and Cubbies baseball. The Cubs also spring train a mile from my house, so naturally, I go and watch. So, if we can't play them in the regular season, I'll be sad. There are always more Cubs fans in the stands when the D-backs play the Cubs than there are D-backs fans. Funny. But if the Diamondbacks are moved to the AL we'll be playing the Boston Red Sox, also another favorite team of perennial losers, but damn if Nomar isn't a hotty! It also helps that I went to high school with Shea Hillenbrand the Sox 3rd baseman. Hmm quite the quandary.

Yesterday my boss gave me some hockey tickets. He made me promise to go. I went one further and said I'd even take a date. (This shocked him, "What, you date Eden? You're so fickle." Yes Big Guy, hard to believe but true). So, I called Thursday up and asked if he wanted to go. He said, "No, I hate hockey, you couldn't pay me to go." Ok, so that took me back a few degrees. I'm a bit disappointed to be honest. If he'd asked me to a football game (and let it be known that I hate football) I'd have gone, because I would have enjoyed the company. I don't get him, he leads me along and drops me cold. Ahk!! It's just so frustrating--hence the quote at the beginning of this entry! That's ok, Ms. Toast is coming home for the weekend, and she is going to give him the "Best-friend Official Stamp of Approval" or not. After we meet and greet, we, being typical females will analyze, come up with a conclusion and accept or reject this guy. Dating is sick and twisted. Female=cutthroat.

Oh yes, let me officially announce the RETURN OF TOAST! Toast and I have been friends for 15 years. We've not seen each other for over a year. I'm happy she's coming, she's happy she's coming. Look at us Dairyland, two happy fools!!

This is for you Rick "Day after day, alone on a hill, the man with a thousand voices standing perfectly still. But nobody seems to notice, he's a fool on the hill�"

Tra la la ~~ Eden.

2:15 p.m. - November 07, 2001


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