edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Halloween, baseball and stalkers

Happy Halloween. I suppose I should say it up front. But, I'm just not so enthusiastic about it. I mean, I've never been a big Halloween celebrant, except for 1997 ( the second half of this entry says it all). I don't know why, I feel silly? I'm a party pooper? I'm too old? I have no costume skills? Whatever! I do however like to carve Jack-o-lanterns and eat candy corn though. But, last night as I was perusing the hallowed halls of Albertson's there was not a pumpkin to be found??!! What's that about? Yellow Ducky loves Halloween. She says it�s a chance to be someone you're not for the day. Ok fair enough, who would I be? I think I'd like to be Athena, the Greek Goddess of wisdom. Apparently she was beautiful, and smart to boot, oh wait, that's me right now--just kidding! I want to also mention that Sa is showing brave restraint today in her choice of "non-costume" for Halloween. Way to go Sa, if only the Trucker's Daughter really knew�

So, Happy Halloween to one and all. Be careful, we don't know what CRAP Osama bin Laden, the Tallywhackers, Al Queda and other world miscreants are planning--jerks (not to mention the normal Halloween stuff that goes on by the teenage crowd)! Why don't they just leave us alone, politics and religion aside, it's not like the United States was making their lives unlivable or anything. But, politics and religion aside, after all, it is a quasi-holiday today.

Did we all watch the World Series last night? Kudos to Lisa Tote for her magnanimous predictions for this edition of the Fall Classic. D-backs in 6, mark her words, they are true. But we knew the D-backs would get beat last night, but let me say, they didn't let the Yankees off easy. It was a fight to the finish, with some mistakes gone good for the D-backs. (See the Miller's error of the 4th inning).

Again I want to voice my utter disregard and disgust for the FOX commentators. They sure do think they are two comedians playing to a SRO crowd. Before the first pitch was thrown, there was a camera shot of the far outfield wall. They said, "That's where we're putting the pool the next time we remodel." Ha ha ha, your pool jokes are not funny. So you know, the Bank One Ballpark, also lovingly known as the BOB has a pool area. People buy tickets for the pool and watch the game from the comfort of their swim trunks. I think its cool! Then, the Yuk-yuk brothers were giving the weather report for Yankee Stadium and so wittily remarked, "The roof here in Yankee Stadium is open tonight." Ya, it's open every night. (The roof at the BOB is retractable, so as to allow air-conditioned play on a real grass surface during the "pleasant" Phoenix summers). I think they are jealous because Yankee stadium, although being filled with history, has no cool bells and whistles to speak of.

So this evening, I think I will watch game 4 of the World Series out in the Pumpkin Patch and wait for the Great Pumpkin to bring me something. My neice, M-2 is very excited for Halloween. She's 3 this year, so she fully understands the full meaning of Halloween~~~Candy, candy and more candy. I asked her if she was coming to my house to trick'er treat. She said, only if Grandpa puts some candy in her pumpkin. Ok, we can arrange that. The girls are going as Princesses. Kris (my cousin from Boston) is out here this week, she's dressing up her baby as a frog. We actually wrestled him into the costume the other day, and HE IS SO CUTE!!! I love that child!

I got am email from B. today. It was nice and friendly, but it was the first time that I haven't gone into fits of regret for breaking up with him or fits of desire for him again. I'm proud of myself. I think, I�m getting over it! HOO-RAY!!! I can see us remaining friends, but never becoming lovers again, and I am so fine with that people!! I'm not a neurotic stalker after all. Hmmm, now I'm going to have to think up something new to tell people when I first meet them.

Well, the proverbial fat lady is singing on this edition of Eden's Garden, thanks so much for your readership. Tune in for more fun tomorrow. hehe haha hoho haha hehe haha hoho haha oooo�

10:23 a.m. - October 31, 2001


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