edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


I was never ment to make coffee or watch daytime TV

Today, I spent at home. I didn't feel like working--so I stayed home, I can do that, I have comp time. I think, I'll work tomorrow. Daytimes are boring, well sort of.

I watched "Scarecrow & Mrs King". Do you remember this show from the 1980s? It's Kate Jackson at her ditziest, and then there's my whole obeseesion with Bruce Boxleitner. Does anyone know what happened to him? We sure don't have enough of him these days. And I realized that my old boyfriend Jason looks just like the very handsome Mr. Boxleitner. Hmm, maybe *that's* why I stuck with Jason longer than I should have....Ok so after S&Mrs.K, BONANZA came on. I like Bonanza. I even went to the Ponderosa when I was 9.

Ok and what the heck is up with Rosie O'Donnell? Is she just full of herself or what? I mean, every conversation with every guest on her show turned into a conversation about Rosie, or her magazine, which we all know is a copy cat of Oprah and Martha Stewart. And lets just face it, we have way too many "demi-goddesses" of craftiness and self-help in this country.

I didn't veg all day, I did drive to the Library for something. It seems like there is a new K-Mart or Wal-Mart going in on every corner. How do I feel about this? I think it's all ugly. They should only build Targets and then only on the outskirts of town.

Now, I'm back at the library, all be it a different one, for study group. It's been so long since I've been to one of these things. I just couldn't wrangle out of it this week. All of this academia is making me contemplate my impending career change. (I think I'll be obsessing about this as the weeks progress). Am I ready to be a school teacher? I don't know, but I do know that I was never ment to be a secratary. I admire the women who are, but I cannot be among them. I hate making coffee, and filling the Xerox with paper, for people who are smarter than me. It's all about common sense guys.

Ok the Computer Nazi approaches, and will soon be yelling at me that my time has expired. What's the big deal? I pay taxes, and the taxes pay for these computers, so technically it's my computer--right?

Tomorrow, back to life & back to reality...thanks for all of your support and to my newest fan Eve Milds. You don't have a guestbook up yet, so thanks for reading me. (Otherwise this would be a personal greeting). Oh and I sould mention that Rick joined the family a few weeks back, lets not forget him, he's way cool!


5:54 p.m. - October 24, 2001


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