edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Everything's better today

"Let your soul be your pilot--let your soul guide you along the way."

I'm in much better spirits today. I'm like that though, one day I'll be very involved with a problem and it will consume me, and then I'm fine the next day. I'm fine today about the impending death of my uncle. I know that everything will be the way it should.

I last night when I came home, there was a package in my mailbox from my good old friend Ryss. I couldn't believe it, because I knew what it was. It was the mix tape she's been promising me for the last 3 years. I know, that's along time for a mix tape, and I probably should have given up hope of ever getting it, but I persisted, and it came. MIX TAPE!!! It actually was 2 mix tapes~~ CHA-CHING!!

The first tape is all Opera. I love the Opera, and of course the first song is Lakme from the Opera Lakme by Delibes~~Oh be still my heart! It's the most beautiful duet sung by females in opera. And then she filled the rest of the tape with La Bohemme. Tape 2 was all show tunes, and yes, side one was all from Chess. (You know the guys from ABBA wrote that one, so it has to be good).

Included was a letter. This was better than the tapes though. She just thanked me for being a good friend for these past 7 years, it nice to be reminded once in a while that your friends love you. We've had our up's and down's, but we're still like sisters. And because of this, I think she was inspired to encourage me to not compromise the things that I believe in for the sake of others. I've been struggling with that for the past little while. It's ok for me to set up standards for myself and stick to them. Thanks Ryss, for reminding me of that. Personal integrity is more important than momentary happiness.

In other good news, the cabinet guys are coming today to measure the kitchen. I'm so glad!! This means in about 3 weeks the Inferno will go away and we won't have to camp out in our own house anymore! HOO-RAY! Of course we've been with out a kitchen for over a month now, so it's almost normal to eat Frosted Flakes and frozen dinners all the time.

More good news�The Arizona Diamondbacks are in the WORLD SERIES!! CHA~CHING!! Max & Don got tickets, of course, they waited in line till 4 am, but they have tickets nonetheless. Of course the all of the media coverage will favor the Yankees, but is that anything new? I think the "The Big-Unit" and the rest of the boys are going to do a great job, and there's no better place to play ball than at the BOB! All of this Baseball excitement makes me want to watch "Field of Dreams" again. I love BASEBALL!

Finally, STING, the musical master, will be releasing his latest CD, "All This Time" November 20th. Look for it, buy it, love it!

10:35 a.m. - October 23, 2001


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