edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Feeding the Bugs

"Strangers in the night, exchanging glances, lovers at first sight, what were the chances, it would turn out right for strangers in the night?"

This weekend was one of mixed emotions. My nieces came over and spent the night. I love these babies so much, maybe because I have no children of my own, maybe because I'm not in the position to have children of my own, I don't know, I just love them.

I was putting M-1 to bed, and she reached over and pulled me close to her and said, "Here Edie, you lay down here." "Why, M?" "Because, I like you, you're my friend." She grabbed my hand and didn't let go until she was asleep. I was so touched, and amazed that a child so young was able to express her feelings so simply, and at the same time so powerfully.

The next day we sat out in the front yard blowing bubbles and looking at bugs. A dragonfly came by, and it startled her. I reassured her that dragonflies are not bad bugs. She said ok and started throwing leaves at it. I asked her what she was doing. "Edie, I am giving the dragon fly some food. Bugs eat leaves." Ok, bugs eat leaves according to this 3 year old.

Sunday started as normally as any Sunday. Mom was watching Tim Russert, I could hear the television through the wall. It was muffled as I lay there in my bed. I could only comprehend, "We're going to hit, strike, war, when�" I didn't think much of it. Then reality checked me. The announcement came during church. "The United States has launched an attack on the country of Afghanistan." The mood grew suddenly somber, there was an immediate urgency, and a definite gravity. We were encouraged to pray again. This refrain has been heard so many times over the last few weeks, for the first time I really felt the urgency of it. I think America will come through this crisis. I have no doubt in this.

As I watched Osama bin Laden, speak defiantly, the anger that has been stewing in the background of my mind started to boil. Who is he? How does he justify invoking the name of God for his evil designs? All I could see was the face of a mad-man, a fool. I realize that if he is taken out, and I hope he is, there will be many to take his place, but regardless, we must fight, or we will be letting a dangerous cancer grow on our world.

I have one thing to say to you Mr. Bin Laden. God is not on your side, you will not win, you will loose and by no means will you inherit paradise. The United States is not the problem, it's people like you that are the problem. You and your Taliban "protectors" oppress, you destroy your own people, not the United States. You hold your people captive. You captivate them by denying them education, and opportunity, freedom and peace. You hold them under the water of your rhetoric, you drown them with your ideology, you are the ones killing your cause.

God, bless America. Pray for our military men, and for our leaders. Ask what you can do for your country, so that we can enjoy our life, and so that my niece can continue to feed the bugs, and perhaps some little Afghan child can feed the bugs too.

11:30 a.m. - October 08, 2001


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