edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Slippery when wet

"He told me he worked in the morning and started to laugh, I said that I didn't and crawled off to sleep in the bath."

Do you remember how you were in the 7th grade? Geeky and akward, just trying to fit in. Well, I was no different. Of course looking back at that time in my life I can laugh at myself, but at the time it was pure hell.

I was 5 feet 9 inches by the age of 13. Yes, you can imagine the feelings I had in gym class when we were in the middle of the "Social Dancing" unit. It's kind of hard to have poise and grace when your partner's eyes hit right at your bust line. But that's not all, to make matters worse, I had glasses and braces as well as the wiliest mop of blonde curly hair in the world. It was like Little Orphan Annie got a hold of the hydrogen peroxide bottle. Let's also say, I was developing at a rate well beyond that of my peers. Ya, I was awkward.

One day in the lunchroom, I was walking to a table with my tray in hand. I had the misfortune of slipping some water on the floor. Down went the tall gawky girl, up went the tray, only to come quickly back down. The room erupted in laughter. The red in my face was a nice compliment to the purple of my shirt. The lunch ladies were not all mean however, one took pity on me, and let me have a new lunch on the house. Well, as fate would have it, as I was walking out of the serving area I slipped on the wet floor, where I'd just been. Again the room roared.

Again the lunch ladies had compassion on me and let me back thru the line for free. I thought to myself, "Walk slowly, take small steps, and you'll be fine." Of course I would. Why wouldn't I be? But it was not to be. Yes, the slippery floor, in combination with my shoes got the better of me a third time. Could this be possible? Could I slip, fall and dump my lunch three times at the same spot in the same day? Yes, I did, yes it could, and yes, it was to be. I was officially the BIGGEST dork in the world, and it seemed like the whole world knew it too. I ran from that lunchroom and hid in the girls' washroom till lunch was over.

The rest of the day, I tried to hide, but how could I? I was so tall, I was so big, I was wearing a purple shirt, my hair was wild on the top of my head, I had braces and glasses! I was a freak show, and everyone knew it! It was one of the most horrible days of my teenage life. I look back on this day now and laugh; much has changed but not everything. I'm still pretty clumsy, my hair still has a mind of it's own, and although I'm not the tallest girl in class, I sure do feel like it sometimes.

4:35 p.m. - October 05, 2001


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