edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Some admissions

"It turns out Earl was a missing person, that nobody missed at all."

***Countdown to Boston: 4 days***

Ok, so I have some admissions to make. I did watch half of the West Wing last night. I said I wasn't going to, but my curiosity got the better of me. I think, from what I saw, it was ok. I felt like I was watching a weird version of a high school civics lesson. It did deal with some good questions though. Particularly interesting was the point made by Sam (Rob Lowe) that abject poverty and despair will cause the people in those types of situations to take desperate measures.

Case in point, how did the Taliban come to power? How could the Afghan people support such a regime? Well, the Taliban promised peace, and stability. After 20 years of war, I think that might sound good to me too. They had support from the people, and thus were given legitimacy. Another example, Russia 1917. How did the Bolsheviks take power? Couldn't the people see where Communism would take them? Imagine, if you were a serf, working hard on the Russian prairie scraping out a subsistence living and then forced to pay crippling taxes to support the posh lifestyle of the Tzar. How would you feel if someone came and told you, life doesn't have to be like that? You can own your own land, sell your own crops and take the money and do with it what you please. These arguments gave these impoverished people a sense of belonging and worth. They were told what they wanted to hear, and naturally they believed it. I want to point out that I don't condone the policies of the Taliban or the Bolsheviks, at all, but when your desperate enough, anything that might bring hope sounds good.

So, on that point, I think the show did a good job. But I still feel like Hollywood takes the lead on addressing sensitive issues, when it should be done in families, churches, community forums and to an extent in school. On to other things�

I have written a little poem in honor of the bad hair day I am having (and I mean that in the literal sense of the word. My hair is "Doin' it's own thing" today�

The haggard, heaps of hair dangle heavily from my head. The blonde haystack sticks out, too and fro, as if to say, "I dare you, calm me!" Hairspray and gel cannot calm this Medusa.

She waits, and a battle with the wind ensues. The hair is angered and in her impertinence defies further, convention. There is no respite from the monster that sits atop my head. I will calm it with water, as if I were Dorothy and my hair were the Witch.

Ok, so that's silly, but it's true, my hair is taking over the planet today. grr�curly or straight it just likes both!

Last night, I went to a financial aid workshop at the University I attend. I am yet again, mortgaging my future for my education. But, I paid for almost this entire grad program out of pocket, so I don't feel too bad. I guess, I'll add this loan on to the heaps I already owe. I look at it this way, I have X-dollars in debt. This amount is equal to the price of a nicely equipped, SUV or luxury car. So, I have a "car" payment, except, I drive an old Pontiac and probably will be for the rest of my life. I have a 'Cadillac' of knowledge instead of a Cadillac sitting in my driveway. Hmm, maybe I should have gone to Law School. Does this analogy make sense? (Cue background music: I'm an old cow hand from the Rio Grande).

Last night, I also saw the most beautiful thing. The moon was sitting about half way between the top of the sky and the horizon, it was such a lovely color of pale yellow, a little bit lighter than butter. There was hazy mist shrouding it and giving it a lovely, "Kiss me now, you fool" glow. All the while it was just floating in the dark black night sky like it was some sort of participant in a bob-for-apples contest. Simply beautiful, I wanted to jump up and bob for the moon, I wanted to take it home with me and keep it in M-2's box of treasures. (Cue background music: Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue).

I have some more admissions to make:

Hi, I'm Eden, and I am addicted to Krispy Kream Donuts, Frosty's from Wendy's, Dark Chocolate, CD's from the bargin bin at Tar-get, Baked Potato's with lots of cheese, sour cream and butter on them, Wonder Bread with Nutella, the Internet, Diaryland, carbohydrates, high fructose corn syrup, music by Amiee Mann, old boyfriends named B, movies starring, Cary Grant, Dean Martin, and Bill Pullman, dating lawyers, Law & Order Marathons on A&E, sleeping in till noon, the moon, Sting, Kozyshack Rice Pudding, PBS, and cheezy lawyer dramas other than L&O. I think Kathy over at Kitchen Logic should start the "Official Diaryland Addictions" page. It would work nicely with her "Official Dibs" page, and would be a boatload of fun!

Now, on to the boatload of work I have sitting here in front of me screaming for my attention like a jealous mistress.

11:42 a.m. - October 04, 2001


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