edensgarden's Diaryland Diary


Pretty in Pink

"There she is, Pretty in Pink." Oh I only wish.

Today in the Garden�insanity is beginning to set in as I prepare to fly away on a jet plane. From the way I've been talking about it, you'd think I've never been on a plane before. I have, many times in fact. I'm just happy to get out of Phoenix, get away from my job and all of my people here. I'm leaping at the prospect of walking down the crowded streets of Boston, and blending in with the Southies, the Brahmins, the North-enders, the men, the women, the tourists, and the wannabes like me.

I feel like I have so much to get done before I leave. I have to make sure my little helper is sufficiently secure in my duties that she'll be assuming. One of my co-workers asked yesterday, "Eden, is this place going to fall apart with out you?" Oh probably, but you know it's only a forecast of what's to come. Remember in 12 weeks, I'm outta here! You know you'll miss me when I'm gone. (Cue music: Don't Cry for me Argentina).

So, in preparation for this monumentous trip, I went and bought new clothes. Some shirts, and sweaters, a new carry on bag, and Clifford the Big Red Dog (well that's not for the trip, but for the upcoming 3rd birthday of M-2, my niece). It was great to wander the hallowed halls of the Target in search of material possessions that I will later regret buying. And I must say, the Target by my office is half the size of the one by my house, but has twice the selection. I think I've found a new way to waste my lunch hour, as well as my paycheck. Oh ya, it's all about being a mega-consumer! I also discovered the bargain bin while in Target too. I'm a CD, buyin' maniac. Oh, bad very very bad! But again I say, "LONG LIVE CAPITALISM!!" (If you want a good perspective on this read Mr. Levski today).

Ok, now this next item will sound totally contradictory to what I just said. I know, I was just giving a big hu-rah for capitalism and freedom, but what is with Aaron Sorkin, executive producer of The West Wing? Tonight is the long anticipated season opener. It was delayed 2 weeks so they could write, and produce an episode dealing with the tragedies of September 11th. Do we really need Hollywood to "explore" and "address" this subject? I think it will marginalize what has happened. It's just sick to see that this bandwagon in already rolling out of Tinsel-Town already. Give us time to heal, give us time to bury our dead. Television is an escape from reality. I hope this episode falls flat. I'm not watching it.

So last night as I was driving home from the Tar-get, I encountered several people on bikes. Hooray! I always try and be careful of bike riders, but didn't we all learn in grade school that you should have reflectors and/or lights on your bike as well as wear brightly, colored clothing after dark? Apparently the folks I saw, missed that day. It was scary, I saw them in time to yield the right of way, but I don't know how all of the other wacko-s on the Arizona roads would react. Just more stress to add to the insanity.

I got an email from B today. If you all remember, I broke up with him almost 3 months ago. Then I changed my mind, and tried to fix the damage I'd done. He, was mean, he said some things that were not so nice, but true and some things that were not so nice, but untrue. In my own defense, I penned a 4 page, single spaced letter to him, explaining where I was coming from. I felt better, he was placated and said he would respond after the Bar. (See what a great lawyer I would have made? I mean 3 of my last 4 boyfriends have been lawyers at least) So, it's been a month since he said he'd get back to me, we've had friendly discourse, encouraging, yes, disappointing, yes. So, last week, I probed the waters and asked if he was ever going to get back to me. Today, he responded, "I've been wicked busy, will get back to you, thanks for hanging tough." Ok, thanks, if I hang here any longer, search and rescue is going to be called out. This is the reason that I say, I am an expert in bad dating in my disclaimer. I also want to add to that I am an expert in failed relationships, broken engagements and broken hearts (mine as well as others). Where is the background music when I need it?

I wish I was pretty in pink. All for today ~~Eden

12:03 p.m. - October 03, 2001


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